Diet of a child in 6 months

Every young mother is concerned about how to properly feed her baby. This is not surprising, because the digestive system of infants during the first months of life is in the stage of active formation, so many products may be too small for crumbs.

In addition, the carapace before the first year of his performance is especially prone to various allergic reactions. This means that many components of dishes from the general table can cause them all kinds of skin rashes, itching, flaking and other unpleasant symptoms.

In order for the child to develop fully and correctly in the course of the first year and not suffer the discomfort and discomfort associated with inaccuracies in the diet, the compilation of his menu for each month of life should be approached with a great deal of responsibility. In this article, we will tell you what foods the baby's diet should consist of in 6 months, depending on what type of feeding it is - natural or artificial.

Diet of infants in 6 months

If the infant, by the time he is six months old, continues to receive breast milk, then it is necessary to start acquainting him with other products, but this should be done very carefully. So, you should initially consult a doctor who will tell you if the baby is really ready for the introduction of complementary foods, and what foods you should start with - porridge or boiled vegetables, mashed in puree.

To familiarize the crumb with vegetables is necessary gradually, offering only one new product every 7 days. In this case, you can choose any hypoallergenic vegetables in the form of one-component puree - cauliflower, broccoli, zucchini and potatoes. After acquaintance of a crumb with these kinds of vegetables, he can also offer pumpkin and carrots, carefully following the state of the baby and noting any changes that occur in his body.

If pediatrician was recommended to start luring with cereals, give preference to dishes from rice, buckwheat or corn flakes. Of course, you can cook porridges yourself, but it is much more convenient to use special children's paddles of industrial production, since they have the most optimal consistency for a six-month-old baby.

Finally, in the diet of the baby at 6 months on GV, a small amount of fruit puree, made from hypoallergenic varieties of apples or pears, should be included.

Approximate diet of a baby at 6 months on IV

In the daily menu of a six-month-old baby who does not receive milk from his mother, all of the above products must already be included. As a rule, the lure of such children is introduced in 4-5 months, so by the end of the first half of life and the beginning of the second they already confidently eat vegetables, fruits and various cereals.

In addition, you can also diversify the diet of your baby with a one-component puree from hypoallergenic varieties of meat, such as rabbit or turkey, as well as baby curd and half of the quail egg yolk. Finally, the baby, who by the age of six months already had the first tooth, you can give a baby cookie.

An approximate variant of the daily ration of an infant at the age of 6 months, who is on the breast and artificial type of feeding, respectively, you can see in the following tables: