X-shaped legs in children

X-shaped, or valgus curvature of the legs is called deformation of the knee joints, when with straightened and tightly compressed knees the distance between the ankles is more than 5 cm. This pathology often has acquired character.

The main causes of X-shaped curvature of legs in children are:

How to fix the X-shaped legs of a child?

If parents suspect a valgus deformity in their baby, they should visit a pediatric orthopedist. The specialist will determine the degree of curvature and will prescribe the appropriate treatment. If necessary, the doctor will give a direction for radiographic examination.

With X-shaped legs, treatment should be comprehensive. First of all, manual therapy is shown. Pass the course of massage is necessary until complete cure 4 times a year. Massage of the extremities, back, waist, buttocks is performed.

An important aspect in the treatment of X-shaped deformation of the legs is the wearing of special orthopedic shoes, since this pathology leads to the curvature of the feet. This shoe has an individual footbed and high solid backs.

A special role is played by exercise therapy with X-shaped legs. Most often effective classes on the Swedish wall, cycling, swimming in the pool. Also, daily exercises of X-shaped legs are necessary. Very useful walking on socks and on the heels along a narrow path or board, on the outside of the feet, the adoption of the position of sitting "in Turkish", squats with the ball between the knees.

Exercises with x-shaped legs

If the child is still small to perform these exercises, try to turn them into a game, do them yourself and let the child repeat for you.

To monitor the dynamics of the disease should visit the orthopedic office every three months.