Mantoux vaccination

The Mantoux vaccine is the main method of preventing tuberculosis in our country. Mantoux test in children is a test that determines the presence of tuberculosis infection in the body. It consists in introducing a special drug under the skin - tuberculin, and monitoring the reaction of the child's body to this drug. Tuberculin is an artificially created drug consisting of microbacteria of tuberculosis. If, after Mantoux, the child has excessive redness or swelling at the injection site, this means that the body is already familiar with these bacteria.

In most of the CIS countries, the incidence of tuberculosis is quite high today. Mantoux vaccine - this control over the spread of infection.

For the first time, the Mantoux is made for children a year. Doing this vaccination at an earlier age does not make sense, because the results of the Mantoux reaction in children before the year vary greatly, and often are unreliable. After two years, the vaccine Mantou is recommended to do every year regardless of previous results.

How is Mantoux vaccinated?

Tuberculin is injected subcutaneously with a special small syringe. The Mantoux sample is made in medical institutions, as well as, kindergartens and schools. 2-3 days after Mantou's inoculation, the seal is formed at the injection site of the preparation - "button". On the third day after vaccination, the medical officer measures the size of the Mantoux reaction. The size of the "button" is measured. Depending on the size of the seal and the results of Mantoux in children are determined:

Negative Mantoux reaction is considered the norm. But even if the child has a positive reaction to Mantoux, this does not mean infection.

In many children, the inoculation causes an allergy with severe redness. Also, a positive reaction is false if the child has recently had an infectious disease. The results of Mantoux affect the sensitivity of the skin, nutrition and even the presence of worms.

In order for the results to be as reliable as possible, several rules should be followed after Mantoux vaccination:

Failure to comply with the rules leads to false results. If the button is worried, then it should be processed only after Mantu's evaluation by a specialist.

Contraindications to the Mantoux reaction

Mantoux is not administered to children with skin diseases, as well as suffering from chronic and infectious diseases. Mantoux can be tested only after the child has fully recovered.

The Mantoux reaction needs to be planned before general preventive vaccinations. After vaccinations, the child becomes more sensitive to tuberculin, and Mantoux results may be false.

Do Mantou make a child?

Many modern parents ask themselves this question. The Ministry of Health strongly recommends that every child be given Mantoux. Some moms and dads take a different view. But, of course, absolutely all parents want to see their children healthy. If the parents still decided to give up Mantoux, then they should realize that they take all possible health problems of the child under their own responsibility.