The development of flexibility

The development of flexibility is not only for those who are engaged in dancing. If you have the flexibility, all the movements of your body are transformed, become softer, more beautiful and graceful. Consider the question of how to develop the flexibility of the body.

The development of flexibility of the body: someone - simply, someone - difficult

In general, flexibility is the same index of physical development of the body as endurance, strength, agility and speed. Flexibility is the indicator of the maximum amplitude of your movements. You probably remember how in school when passing the standards determined flexibility: you had to stand on a bench and bend down as low as possible, without bending your knees. The lower the tips of the fingers, the more flexibility.

If you naturally have good data in this respect, then any methods and means of developing flexibility will give amazingly fast results. If flexibility is not developed by nature, then success will be much slower. In addition, if it is not inherent in you by nature, excessive efforts to develop it can be dangerous to your health. That is why it is not worth looking for an answer to the question of how quickly to develop flexibility. In this case, consistency is always needed.

Method of development of flexibility

Even if you do not have the opportunity to attend a fitness club, doing yoga and stretching, do not put a cross on the methods of developing flexibility. You will be able to do your body at home, and even 15 minutes a day is enough to see a noticeable results in 3-5 weeks. However, classes using the gymnastic wall - and children's - will do the best.

Remember that any complex that demonstrates how to develop flexibility and plasticity, you need to start with a full warm up of the muscles! Running, rope, warm-up - anything, but they should be. Otherwise, you simply run the risk of injury. Consider how to develop flexibility with the help of a gymnastic wall or improvised means - a chair, a window sill, etc.

  1. The left leg is set aside on the gymnastic wall, the foot is parallel to the floor: slowly turn your foot in the hip joint (8-10 times).
  2. From the same position, perform flexion (springy) of the left foot 5-6 times.
  3. From the same position, grasp your hands on both sides of the left foot and perform smooth tilting of the trunk to the straight left leg 8 times.
  4. Repeat the above exercises for the other leg.
  5. Perform a right lunge against the gym wall. Repeat 10 flexions with the palm rest for each leg.
  6. The right leg is straight, ahead in the abutment on the wall: perform springy torso bend forward 8 times, holding on to the foot of the right leg. At the end, stop for 30 seconds, then repeat for the other leg.
  7. The right leg is set aside, rests on the gym wall. Do 8 tilting to the straight leg, trying to touch the floor with his hands. In the last slope, stop for 30 seconds and repeat for the other leg.
  8. Stand facing the wall, legs wider than shoulders, feet parallel, arms holding at front of chest. Rotate forwards and inwards alternately with each leg 8 times. At the same time gradually your legs are growing wider and wider. This exercise - one of the most effective in order to sit on the cross-twine.
  9. From the same position, turn to the left and lower with cautious springy movements into the twine. Then turn around and go to the twine on the other side.

Carrying out such a simple complex on a regular basis, you will develop flexibility in the shortest possible time and become more plastic and graceful.