Bronchial asthma in children

Many parents today face the problem of immune deficiency of the child. This is largely due to the deteriorating environmental situation and the increase in acute respiratory diseases. As a consequence, allergic diseases, as well as bronchial asthma, are increasingly diagnosed in children. And parents start to wonder how to cure asthma in a child and whether it is possible at all.

How is bronchial asthma diagnosed in children?

Bronchial asthma is a disease characterized by episodes of bronchial obstruction (bronchial obstruction). These phenomena are completely or partially reversible. The basis of asthma is inflammation of the bronchial mucosa and increased bronchial reactivity.

During an attack of asthma, narrowing of the lumens of both small and large bronchi occurs. When there is no seizure, there are still signs of an inflammatory process of the bronchial mucosa in a patient with asthma of the child.

Irritability of the bronchi is increased in children with asthma. Their bronchi can respond with a spasm even to the most insignificant irritation with substances inherent in the inhaled air. Considering this, for patients with asthma, it is necessary to create a favorable environment.

Symptoms of asthma in children are very similar to those of obstructive bronchitis on the background of ARVI. This creates at times considerable difficulties in the recognition of bronchial asthma directly.

For a child of the first three years of life, the diagnosis of "bronchial asthma" is appropriate if he:

At the age of three years, the diagnosis of bronchial asthma is appropriate for almost all children with obstructive manifestations. The joyful moment is that after one or three years many of them have the disease.

Causes of bronchial asthma in children

Bronchial asthma is a multifactorial disease, the development of which is closely related to the influence of the external environment and genetic factors. Clarifying the causes of bronchial asthma, significantly increases the effectiveness of therapeutic measures.

Currently, the classic causes of asthma occur:

  1. Contact with household dust. About 70% of sick children are sensitive to it. Home dust is a complex mixture of cotton fibers, animal wool, cellulose, mold spores. The main component of it are ticks invisible to the naked eye.
  2. Wool, saliva, dandruff various animals (dogs, cats, guinea pigs and other rodents). Common initiators of asthma attacks in the child are also dry food for fish, horse dander, insects (especially cockroaches).
  3. Spores of mold in the air, in air conditioners, in damp dark rooms (bathrooms, cellars, garages and showers). Mold fungi are present in many foods (pickled vegetables, champagne, kvass, stale bread, kefir, dried fruits).
  4. Pollen of flowering plants. Causes asthma in 30-40% of children with asthma.
  5. Medicinal products, especially antibiotics, vitamins, aspirin.
  6. Pollution of the environment by chemical compounds in the main and photochemical smog.
  7. Chemical compounds used in new construction technologies.
  8. Viral infections.

In addition to these factors, exacerbation of bronchial asthma in children sometimes causes physical stress, crying, laughter, stress, changing meteorological situation, a sharp smell of paints, deodorants and perfumes, tobacco smoke. Smoking of parents and other relatives of the child also affects negatively the state of the child-asthmatics.

Treatment of bronchial asthma in children

There is no universal remedy for curing asthma. But parents who are asking themselves how to treat asthma in children should start by finding out the reasons for the onset of their child's illness, and then eliminate all factors that could worsen the baby's condition.

With the right approach, it is almost always possible to stabilize the child's condition. Even if the seizures do not disappear completely, they become rare and short-lived.