Why does the child shake his head from side to side?

Many parents try to follow their child's health very carefully. Especially it happens at the age of toddlers up to a year. Here and monthly visit to the doctor, weighing, vaccination and every day something new in the behavior of your crumbs. It is good, if the child grows and develops, as it is spelled out in books and nothing causes suspicion of moms and dads. However, it happens that the crumb begins to behave not quite normally, for example, shakes his head from side to side without any particular reasons, and it can happen at any time of the day.

What is the reason for unusual behavior?

The main reasons why a child shakes his head from side to side are:

  1. Kroha learned new movements. A baby can shake his head in a dream, and when he is awake. Basically, this is considered the norm of development of infants.
  2. For a child of 5-8 months, the head toe from side to side is explained by the fact that at this age the children begin to learn new movements of their body, and there is nothing to worry about. Perhaps in a couple of days the crumb will stop doing it, but will stick out the tongue or grimace.

  3. The kid himself cures himself. At the age of one year, pediatricians often explain to parents why, when a child falls asleep, he shakes his head from side to side: the baby, thus, crouchs himself. However, you need to pay attention to the fact that only those children who are used to motion sickness before going to sleep behave.
  4. The child can see dreams. The main explanation for why the child shakes his head in a dream, doctors believe that a crumb, like an adult, can dream.

However, if you are still concerned about the question of why your baby is shaking his head from side to side for a long time, then consult a pediatrician in order to rule out rickets. Perhaps in the fact that the baby does such movements there is nothing to worry about, and your baby is just growing very inquisitive and so will know the world around.