How to learn patience?

In ancient times, patience was considered a virtue. Now patience is defined as a property denoting the spiritual maturity of a person, his ability to remain calm in an unpleasant situation for him, waiting for the results of activities that have been repeatedly performed.

The cup of patience is a figurative saying, denoting a certain limit or border of human tolerance. When she overflows a person becomes very emotional and impulsive and often in a fit of anger commits acts that you have to regret for a long time. Often this affects interpersonal relationships, so love and patience are inextricably linked.

The limit of patience, as you understand, is different for every person. Many people would like to improve this trait of their character and become more patient, have the opportunity to assess the situation sensibly, and not to be influenced by emotional outbursts. If you belong to this kind of circle, then you will probably be interested in learning several ways of tempering patience.

How to cultivate patience?

Patience, like other traits of character, can be developed through regular training. Next, your attention is presented to several methods that help to develop patience.

  1. Carry with yourself as a talisman, what a small thing, it can be a pen or a keychain. This is necessary in order that in moments when it seems to you that the cup of patience is just about to overflow, you could touch this "amulet of tolerance" and calmed down in time.
  2. Passive observation of yourself or a look at what is happening from the outside, helps to keep yourself in hand and soberly assess the situation.
  3. The most frequent sign of intolerance is anger, so at the moment of greatest emotional stress slowly calculate to yourself to 5 and over time your self-control and patience improve.