Lullaby for newborns

Communication between mother and child is a very important aspect of correct education. It does not stop even for a moment during the waking of the baby, as well as in the process of falling asleep. It is especially important to lay the newborn in a calm, harmonious environment, which is greatly facilitated by the ability of the mother to sing lullabies.

A lullaby song for newborns is not just a melodic sounding voice of the native person, but also a way to attach the baby to the surrounding world. All without exception lullabies for newborns carry calmness, kindness and warmth. It is proved that if a child sing them before going to sleep, he will fall asleep quickly, calmly, and his sleep will be more profound and productive.

Lullaby melodies for newborns

Many modern parents do not have enough time for themselves to sing nursery rhymes, lullabies to their little children. They are too concerned about current affairs, even in order to learn the words of nursery rhymes and songs. In this case, a record of soothing songs or melodies can come to the rescue. It can be a drink on the disc, cassette, and also listening on-line.

Baby lullabies for newborns are always different. They differ in rhythm, speed and theme. You can start singing them when the baby is in the womb, since already from the 20th week of pregnancy, hearing begins to form. This early learning to mother's voice is only beneficial, because the baby gets used to it, and the mother, in turn, learns to communicate with the child and learns the words of such important songs, especially since after the birth of the baby, there is almost no time for it.

Known lullabies for newborns

The best lullabies for newborns are songs with simple words that have a positive meaning. Do not choose the folk tunes about the gray top and beech, as subconsciously the child already perceives their negative value. The melody should be as simple as possible, because high poetry and complicated music do not need such a crumb.

It is important that the first tunes for babies are exactly in the language spoken by his family, and on which the baby himself will speak when he grows up a little. Both words and melodies should be those that are already laid in his genes. For this reason, one should not sing songs in English or any other popular language, even if Mom and Dad want to accustom their son or daughter to foreign languages ​​from birth.

Lullaby songs for the newborn can also be those that are suitable for older children, which almost certainly guarantees that the baby will remember this song for a long time, and she will be his favorite. Typically, the basis of such universal tunes are the simplest, kind and wise texts, in which there is a huge number of affectionate appeals to children, that allows you to transmit peace, any and the overall positive attitude at the time of the sings and positive attitudes for the future.

Below are the simplest, but very popular tunes, on which more than one generation of children has grown up. They are very easy to learn, they have a calm motive, they often repeat vowels, which allows you to view these songs as having the most positive impact on the crumbs. One of the songs repeats the child's specific name, however each mother can weave the name of her child into the text, which will make her unique, strengthen the connection between the mother and her newborn baby.

Lullaby "Kotinka-kotok"


Kotya is a gray tail,

Come, cat, sleep,

My baby pumping.

I to you, to a cat,

I'll pay for the work:

White little handkerchief

I'll tie my neck.

I to you, to a cat,

I'll pay for the work:

I'll give you a piece of pie

And a glass of milk.


Kotya is a gray tail,

Come, cat, sleep,

My baby pumping.

Lullaby "Baiu-bai"

Bayu-bai, beyond the river

The sun retired to rest.

At the Alyosha Gate

Bunny lead a round dance.

Zainki, zainki,

Is not it time for bainki?

To you under the aspen,

Alyosha - on the prick.

Bayu-bai, Leshenka,

Go to sleep quickly!