Toys for children under one year

In the first year of life, the baby grows most actively. The period of its growth can be used with advantage, developing the child, teaching him the skills of interaction with various objects, toys. The game is a method of cognition for a small child. Manipulating a toy, the child develops small motor skills, thinking, perception, imagination and attention. Therefore, it is so important to select the game material for the child in accordance with his age.

Developmental toys for infants

When an infant appears in the family, the parents sometimes do not know how and what to play with him, because he constantly lies and does not show much activity. However, the child at such a tender age is distinguished by good observation. Although he does not know how to touch and play with objects, he can study and study actively. Just looking at some toy, the child is already developing.

A newborn baby can be offered black-and-white pictures, black-and-white stripes for viewing, since it is considered that the baby, before reaching the age of two weeks, most effectively perceives the contrasting colors.

Starting from one month, you can put the child on a special developing mat with hanging toys, which in most cases still produce and sounds (peep, rustle). Over time, the baby will begin to drag on to toys, suspended on an arc. This helps to train muscles and coordinate their own movements.

The rocking chair-chaise-longue will become an indispensable assistant for parents who try to distract the baby or put him to bed. Rhythmically swaying in a deck chair and watching the toys, the baby will soon fall asleep.

In the crib, you can attach a pendant mobile to the baby with music that the child can look at after waking up.

Rattles take a special place in the development of the baby. They allow not only to attract attention, develop fine motor skills, thinking, but also contribute to the removal of pain when the teeth are teething in the baby, because it starts to gnaw them actively.

Developmental toys aimed at developing motor skills, for boys and girls up to a year

It is especially important to pay attention to the development of the motor skills of the baby. To do this, suitable toys such as balls, yule, clockwork toys, for which you need to crawl.

Children's musical toys for kids up to a year

A half-year-old will be interested in hearing the sounds of music. In the shops you can find a huge variety of musical toys, for example, baby radio, piano, tambourine, maracas, xylophone, drum, sound phone. Listening to rhythmic music, the baby develops a sense of tact, improves overall well-being, elevates the mood and forms a closer connection with the mother, if she dances with the baby to the music. Usually dances in children cause indescribable delight.

In the bookstores special children's books with elements of musical accompaniment are sold. For example, in the book about animals there are buttons, when you click on which sounds the sound of this or that animal. Thus, you can introduce the baby to the outside world. The subjects of such books are quite diverse: the world of animals, cars, sounds of nature, etc.

Toys for the bathroom for children under one year

Since the child can not sit still in the bathroom, otherwise it will freeze, parents should think in advance what toys he needs.

Children after six months with pleasure will splash their hands on the water, sprinkle it in different directions. You can take your glasses with you to the bath and pour water in them, rubber toys of small size that do not sink. Such toys are easy to take in the children's pen.

The store sells whole complexes for playing in the bathroom: it can be waterfalls, water slides with animals, fountains, etc.

To play with the child you can use a regular sponge, showing how it can be squeezed and unclamped. This also contributes to the development of fine motor skills.

Toys for the bathroom help to develop not only the motor skills of the hands, but also general motor skills, as well as thinking and imagination, since it is not known what kind of application a child will find for a toy.

Toys for the development of fine motor skills of hands

It is especially important to give the child toys that promote the development of fine motor skills, since this forms the baby's speech apparatus. When working with fingers he activates speech centers in the brain. That's why you need to offer toys to the child, in which you need to "work" with your hands.

It can be toys such as balls, cubes of various sizes and densities, boards-liners, nesting dolls, toy-sorters, pyramids, designers.

A child of 9 months and older can be offered to collect a pyramid of rings, cups one into another, plastic cubes that can be placed on top of each other. The child can twist and twist the toys, insert one into the other, put them alternately in a row, shift them from the handle to the handle and even throw, which is also a useful skill for the child, as he begins to realize the result of his actions: he raised his hand, threw a toy, and she was on the floor. Thus, not only the fine motor skills of the hands develop, but also the thinking.

What toys do you need a one-year-old child?

Developmental toys for a one-year-old child should be selected according to the principle of action: so that they can be invested, compressed, moved, rolled, protruded, moved.

To play the child, who turned a year old, you can offer a gurney, a special children's play center, where there are small toys of different shapes, colors, density and size. Often such complexes have a musical design. A large wheelchair, on which you can ride, will also attract the attention of the youngster.

Choosing a toy for a baby, it should be remembered that it should not only be an educational, but also a pleasure for the child. Therefore, if you notice that the child does not show interest, for example, to the designer, you do not need to buy everything in the store. You need to take into account the interests of the baby. Only then it will develop with pleasure.