Fetal calves by week - table

Visiting the ultrasound room, every expectant mother expects the doctor's verdict with a sinking heart, which will confirm that the baby is developing well and no pathologies have been revealed. In order to determine this, the computer considers a number of parameters of the fetus, including the OJ (abdominal circumference), which changes during the weeks of pregnancy and there is a special table on which you can trace the dynamics and the specific size for any period.

Norms of FGV for weeks of pregnancy

Measure the circumference of the fetal tummy not in order to know the length of pregnancy, but to monitor the overall development. At this size, issued by computer technology, rely only in the context of the remaining parameters of the baby. So, no less important is the biparietal size (BDP) , the head circumference, the thigh bone pancake and others. Only on the basis of the totality of these parameters can we conclude whether the child is growing normally, or there are deviations.

Often, mothers panic when they come home with ultrasound, compare these findings with existing tables. Do not do this, because only a doctor is able to adequately assess the situation. But you should know that there is a sufficient interval, and the figure issued by the device can fit within certain limits. There are three values ​​for OLC - minimum, medium and maximum, and all of them are the norm.

Deviations from the norm of the coolant

If the data obtained does not coincide with the figures in the table and is significantly different from the standards, you should not get frustrated ahead of time. Only in some cases this may indicate a development gap. But more often it can indicate an incorrectly fixed term (especially on ultrasound in the second trimester) or on a very large or, conversely, a small child, which speaks not of any pathology, but is genetically inherent. In this case, all measured dimensions will be reduced and symmetrical.

But if too small or, conversely, only a very large amount of coolant, it can talk about some kind of fetal disease or general developmental lag. To clarify the diagnosis, it will be necessary to conduct a more thorough examination and to perform ultrasound after a couple of weeks, because often (especially in the third trimetre) the baby grows jumpwise and the OC can equal the normative data.