How to return your beloved guy?

... And he left - she stayed!

And he promised not to leave.

She already yearned,

he can not forget ...

Common situation? To great regret, the question of how to return a beloved guy does not bypass either of the young women. However, often he worries and mature enough, self-confident and self-sufficient women. And all because, as the classic rightly noted, all ages are submissive to love. Let's try to understand step by step the question: "What can I do to return my beloved?"

Is it possible to return a loved one?

It is possible to return it, but is it necessary? Why should you return it? Is this person beloved and deserves your love? Does he love you? (If you do not like, then it's unlikely that your relationship will end the way you want it.) If you found the answers to all the questions and, in most cases, they are positive, it's time to get down to business and look for ways to return.

As they say: "Wedge wedges with a wedge". Perhaps, simply by analyzing the reason for your parting, you will understand how you can return your loved one. If you are to blame for not being together, try to just ask for forgiveness. Apologies are not easy, but in love, all means are good. And remember: there is nothing shameful in that the first step is made by a girl, it's "grandmother's tales"! All in your hands. But do not be too intrusive, do not need to call the "former" every 10 minutes, watch at the entrance and fill it with tears. Believe me, this will lead to an absolutely opposite result. And he will not only not return, but will try to avoid you 10 way!

How to return a loved one - advice of a psychologist

The most, in my opinion, effective advice, remember in which you fell in love with a guy. Remember what you were like when you first met, and he started courting you. How did he give you flowers and could not be tired all evening to tell you compliments. That's them and remember the most clearly. What did he like about you? What are your features of appearance and character he sang? Have you changed since then? It is necessary to become the same and repeatedly fall in love with him! It's possible, you just need to try!

And what if you do nothing? That is, to do, of course, but to create the illusion that the initiative comes from him? You do not understand? Look. Men are essentially hunters, and they need to seek a woman, and it's not at all interesting when she falls into her hands. You will become the same, as psychologists advise, and you will portray a happy life and self-assured person. This is exactly what he should see you when you "accidentally" meet on the street. And God forbid, he will guess how many tears are shed in the pillow. Let him believe that this fortress, that is, you, has not yet fallen under his pressure. It may happen that he will try to conquer you with new strength. But this is exactly what we need!

One of my friends, in order to return a loved one, decided to take revenge and show him whom he lost, and how other men cared for her. She invited him to a friendly meeting in a cafe, and she came there with another guy. And what do you think? She let her beloved repel herself from that other, and a year later they got married! Than you do not advice, how to return your beloved? But you need to be careful, maybe "yours", after such a turn of events, will be lost forever.

Only in one case there is no chance that your loved one will return - if he sincerely fell in love with another woman. Then, so that you do not make and do not invent, your chances are equated to zero. But you're strong, you can stand it! And, perhaps, he will very much regret one day that he is not near you!