Mother-in-law hates daughter-in-law - psychologist's advice

Putting a ring on a finger, a woman is sure that she has won a man with whom she can live a long and happy life. In some cases, the struggle for the lover is just beginning, because it will need to be shared with the most important woman in his life - the mother. Often the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law does not add up, and the advice of a psychologist in such a situation will be very welcome. It is choosing the right tactics of behavior, it will be possible to establish relationships and live in harmony and happiness.

Psychologist's advice how to communicate with mother-in-law

Despite the fact that in such a conflict women of different ages and characters are faced, there are some tricks that will help to establish relationships and avoid serious quarrels. Most often, conflicts arise because of jealousy, opinions about housekeeping and housing conditions.

The advice of a psychologist is how to put your mother-in-law in her place:

  1. Relationships need to be built considering three important qualities: respect, tact and patience.
  2. It is important to take care of the husband, as it is important for every mother to see that her child is well-groomed, fed and happy. After some time, the mother-in-law will understand that she has given her son in good hands.
  3. If the mother-in-law hates the daughter-in-law, the next advice of the psychologist will help to establish relations: give the relative signs of attention. Call regularly to find out about health, help you make purchases, bring you to the hospital, etc. The task is to let the mother-in-law know that she is not alone and is an important part of your life.
  4. Living with her mother in one territory, it is important to understand that in this house she is a mistress. If you live separately, then take it as a guest, as if she were a royal person.
  5. To establish relations with the mother-in-law, use the following advice of a psychologist: ask your mother- in -law for advice, just do not be obtrusive. You can start with culinary advice on her husband's favorite dishes.
  6. Look for common points of contact, for example, to merge your mother-in-law and daughter-in-law can love to serials or to needlework.
  7. Sincerely praise your mother-in-law in front of other people, pointing out her real positive side. "Sarafannoe radio" will certainly deliver rumors to a relative, who will be pleased to learn about such a manifestation of love.

In conclusion, I would like to say that you need to behave naturally, showing your positive qualities, because it is for them that you fell in love with your husband, which means that your mother-in-law will notice them sooner or later.