Compote of peaches with a stone

Peach is a southern fruit, which has a wonderful aroma and unique taste. It has a tender and juicy pulp, rich in vitamins and nutrients.

From peaches you can cook a delicious compote . Fruits for him can be taken with or without a stone, and without it. But to reach a truly intense drink, with a light shade of almonds, you can in compote of peaches with a stone. Also, after spending a little time in the summer, you can enjoy the delicious taste of this fruit and drink from it all the year round by preparing a compote for the winter.

How to brew compote of peaches with a stone for the winter?


Calculation for one three-liter jar:


For preserving compote of peaches for the winter, fragrant, ripe and, at the same time, sufficiently elastic fruits are suitable. After selecting worthy specimens, we wash them very carefully, trying to remove the maximum of hairiness inherent in them, and let them dry out.

Banks are washed with soda and hot water, and then steamed over boiling water for ten minutes. We put in them prepared peaches, filling "on the hanger". Filtered water is heated to a boil, fill the fruit, cover the jars with sterile lids and leave for twenty minutes, covered with a blanket.

At the end of the time, the liquid is poured back into the pan, poured sugar and heated to boiling. The resulting sugar syrup is filled with jars, rolled up with lids and placed under a warm blanket for self-sterilization and before cooling, turning the cans upside down.

Such a compote must be diluted to taste with boiled water before use, since it is rather concentrated.

How to prepare a compote of peaches with a stone in a multivark?



Peaches are thoroughly rinsed, trying to wash off the maximum pile, and put in the capacity of multivark, pour filtered water, add sugar and a pinch of citric acid. For the preparation of compote are suitable modes "steaming" and "quenching". The cooking time is twenty to thirty minutes, depending on the size of the fruit. Ten to fifteen minutes we maintain compote in the heating mode, we pour over the tanks and cool them.