Artificial menopause

Medication stopping of the ovaries is called an artificial climax (IR), a condition when natural female hormones cease to be produced in the body. During an artificial climax, a woman's ovaries cease to function, and menstruation disappears. In such a state, a woman is administered to treat certain gynecological pathologies. Among them is infertility. If to generalize, the artificial climax is a medical procedure for women of reproductive age.

Preparations for calling IR

Today, the introduction to the IC is carried out by agonists gonadotropin-releasing hormones (lucrin, zoladex, buserelin, diferelin). These drugs for artificial menopause are used in the form of nasal sprays or injections. There are also combined oral contraceptives, which, when taken continuously, cause IR. Usually treatment does not last more than six months. This process is completely reversible. A successful exit from the artificial menopause occurs immediately after the woman's body stops experiencing drug-induced effects. That is why there is no problem with how to get out of an artificial menopause. Ovaries and monthly after the artificial menopause resume their work.

Diseases curable by injection into the infrared

This method is effective in the treatment of endometriosis, uterine myomas, certain types of bleeding, gynecological hormone-dependent pathologies. If in the past some diseases required the complete removal of the ovaries, today it is enough to turn them off for a while.

Paradoxically, IR is one of the methods of infertility treatment. Special complex therapy of female infertility in most cases ends with pregnancy after an artificial menopause.

Symptoms of IR

Climax, caused by medication, practically does not differ from the natural in its manifestation. Main symptoms artificial climax the following:

Relieve discomfort can be a balanced diet, refusal to smoke, drinking, a full rest, moderate physical activity. But overheating, hot baths, any thermal procedures should be avoided, because they only worsen overall health.

All these troubles will disappear as soon as the course of treatment is completed.