Trichomonas colpitis - treatment

Colpitis is one of the varieties of inflammation of the vagina, that is, its mucosa caused by the action of pathogenic microbes or certain types of fungi and viruses. The most common form of this disease in women is trichomonas colpitis . Pathology is the result of the interaction of parasites of the family T. vaginalis Donne (vaginal trichomonas) and cells of the body, as a result of which the latter die. These unicellular cells can affect both the vagina and the cervix with the ovaries. Colpitis is an infectious disease and is transmitted, as a rule, sexually, less often parenteral.

Treatment of trichomonatal colpitis in the early stages

The most popular method of treatment of trichomonias colpitis is the use of disinfectant solution of potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide , celandine solution, chamomile and other non-aggressive antiseptic solutions. They are applied directly to local lesions by hygienic erosion and vaginal douching.

But before treating trichomonas colpitis, it is necessary to conduct a course of therapy of concomitant diseases. It is compulsory to examine a partner for the presence of Trichomonas. Also, the use of vitamin complexes to maintain immunity is welcomed. Trehomonadnogo colpita treatment is accompanied by the reception of tablets Trichopol (1 tablet 0.25 g twice daily), Osarsola (2 tablets 0.5 g twice daily) or Metronidazole (0.25 g 2 times a day) inside. The course of treatment is from 7 to 15 days and depends on the stage of development of the disease.

There are also more innovative methods for curing trichomonas colpitis, for example bioresonant antiparasitic therapy of the body. In any case, if there is a suspicion of having an infection, you should immediately consult a doctor for further examination and treatment.

Treatment of Trichomonatal Colpitis in Women

If there is no possibility to undergo examination with a specialist, you can start taking Trichopolum alone with colpitis. The drug is a universal tool in the treatment of anaerobic infections, does not cause strong allergic reactions in patients and is sufficiently accessible. An important note is its full contraindication to women at the gestational age of up to 12 weeks. This drug is used to treat trichomonatal colpitis in both women and men, the difference is manifested only in doses and timing of admission. But after the treatment, you still need to see a doctor to see if the therapy is effective.