Chestnut flowers - medicinal properties

Everyone knows that horse chestnut effectively helps with varicose veins. But the color of this plant is able to eliminate not only vascular diseases. Folk healers always harvested the flowers of chestnut for the future - the medicinal properties of the phytosurgery under consideration make it possible to solve other problems of the organism, as well as to prevent premature aging of the skin.

The main medicinal properties of chestnut color

Fragrant cones appear on the tree in early-mid-May, peak flowering occurs at the end of this month. This period is considered the most favorable for the collection, fermentation and drying of the described raw material, the manufacture of medicines from fresh petals.

Chestnut flowers have such useful properties:

Useful medicinal properties and application of chestnut flowers

For the general strengthening of the body and the protective forces of immunity, cardiac activity, prevention of cold and viral diseases, it is recommended to drink a course of a drug made from fresh inflorescences. For this you need:

  1. Wash the flowers thoroughly under running water, chop into a gruel using a blender or meat grinder.
  2. The resulting mass squeeze and drain the juice.
  3. The liquid can be filtered through gauze or cotton cloth.

This product should be stored in a glass container, preferably opaque and in a refrigerator. Take medicine is recommended for 35 drops three times a day, regardless of when you eat.

This drug of traditional medicine effectively calms the nervous system, normalizes blood pressure and heart rate, strengthens capillaries and vessels, rejuvenates the body. Moreover, the beneficial medicinal properties of chestnut flowers stimulate the production of immune cells, which protect against the entry into the mucous membranes of viruses and bacteria. The passed course of therapy in late May is an excellent prevention of influenza and ARVI , as the active biological substances of the plant persist until the end of winter.

Useful healing properties of dry chestnut flowers

If desired, you can prepare medicinal raw materials for long-term storage:

  1. Spread the freshly cut inflorescences on parchment or clean paper under the sun's rays in one layer.
  2. Leave to dry for 3-4 days until the flowers are brittle and crumbly.
  3. Raw materials in a paper bag, store in a dark place at an average room temperature.

Further from dried flowers it is useful to prepare vitamin tea or broth, which is recommended to drink during the day, especially when inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

You can also make an alcohol tincture, which has a long juice of shelf life:

  1. Fresh flowers should be washed and mashed, so that they can start the juice.
  2. Add the mass to a glass jar and pour vodka in a 1:10 fraction.
  3. Insist 20 days in the refrigerator, under the closed lid.
  4. Shake and filter the solution, pour into a different container.

The obtained tincture can be used either externally or inward.

In the first case, the medicine rubs the areas with varicose veins , applied as compresses to the diseased joints or skin lesions.

Orally, the alcohol tincture is applied 30 drops 3 times a day, with a course of 2 weeks.