Ovarian cancer Stage 4 - how much do they live?

As you know, cancer is considered to be cancer. That's why if a woman has ovarian cancer in 4 stages, the only question that worries her is how many live with this disease? Let's try to answer it.

What is the 4th stage of cancer?

At this stage of the disease in the woman's body there is a large number of metastatic formations in the cavity of the peritoneum, a large omentum, and also in the lungs and pleura. As a complication, there may be a so-called carcinomatous ascites and pleurisy. In the first case there is a congestion of a large volume of fluid in the abdomen, as a result of which it increases greatly in volume. It is this fact, as a rule, that causes a woman to see a doctor, since often in the early stages of the disturbance it does not bother. At 4 stages, the following symptomatology is noted:

Whether we cure a cancer of ovaries of 4 stages?

Immediately it is worth noting that at this stage the violation is practically not amenable to treatment. In such situations, it is about easing the patient's condition and prolonging her life. In other words, the prognosis for such a disease as stage 4 of ovarian cancer is unfavorable, i.e. as a result, patients die from the defeat of the respiratory system by metastases.

Every day the disease only progresses. That is why the chemotherapy carried out in stage 4 cancer is difficult to tolerate by patients. At the same time there is an increase in the tumor mass, - the number of cancer cells that are in the body. As a result of therapeutic measures with the help of chemical preparations, there is a disintegration of diseased cells, and the products of their "life activity" enter the bloodstream, leading to a general intoxication of the body. That is why, given this fact, doctors are trying to conduct symptomatic treatment of the disease (prescribing analgesics).

If we talk about survival in ovarian cancer stage 4, then we must say that the result of the disease is sad. At this stage, the disease is diagnosed in 13% of all cases of disease. At the same time, approximately 3 out of 4 patients with ovarian cancer of the 4th stage with metastases live for at least 1 year from the date of diagnosis and initiation of therapeutic measures. Moreover, about 46% of all women with this diagnosis live for another 5 years.