How to find your calling?

Each person is born twice: the first time she comes to this world. And the second time, when the true calling for man opens.

Humanity survives with the help of labor, and, consequently, the practical application of the abilities and strengths of each person is nothing more than his life activity. Calling is a favorite thing, an occupation that you can do without any self-interest. And at the same time, as it gives you pleasure, it also benefits society, people. The formula of the human vocation manifests itself when you do what brings you joy, you forget about your life's difficulties and feel the flow of positive emotions. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to follow your true destiny. But to find out exactly where your soul lies is even more difficult. After all, every person from birth is written to be something immensely talented person, helping his abilities to improve the world around him, but an objective world can be a certain obstacle to manifestations of human inclinations.

For many people, it remains a problem to find out how to find their vocation, and many, already in adulthood, find it difficult to answer the question of what they really want to do in life, what brings them true pleasure and spiritual happiness.

Tips - how to find a calling in life

  1. To think about abilities . It is guaranteed that you have certain talents and abilities. In some situations, things show you better abilities, indicators than others. Even if you are still at a very young age, you have realized what abilities you can brag about, and which ones - no. Maybe you draw beautifully, make up floral compositions or easily feel the dance rhythm. Do not be too lazy to spend as much time as necessary to remember what you like best. Perhaps, that you have forgotten about those things in which they showed themselves on the best side. If you have counted a list of several such passionate passions, then by selection method choose the one that is closest to you. But do not forget that sometimes a vocation in life does not open as easily as one would like.
  2. Excites every corner of the soul. Think about what can excite you. Think about it more than one minute. And do not stop until you have made a few points. This that stirs your soul may be something that connects you to your work. It is possible that your mission is your job, which should act as a professional calling.
  3. You and what you read. This item also requires the compilation of a list of books that you most often look for in bookstores or blogs that you read every night.
  4. Your dreams. Often, what we dreamed of in childhood, who dreamed of becoming and engage in the future reflect our true self, but after a while some fears, insecurities, words of other people, forced you to give up a dream. Despite the fact, no matter how fabulous your childhood dreams were, add them to the compiled list called "Your calling".
  5. Learn, learn, learn. Write down what you are interested in and what you would like to learn. And then read more about this, be interested in other people who have been engaged or engaged in what you want to find out more information.
  6. Down with fears. Cast away uncertainty, fears and all that internally blocks you in the motivation to do what want to. Do not doubt, but act. Concentrate your mind on what is happening at this very moment.
  7. Time search. Prohibit yourself to pronounce the phrase "I do not have time" in relation to finding my vocation. That such was not, allocate a free time for this purpose. From something, some minor matters will have to be abandoned, but it's worth it.

Believe that you will be able to carry out your plans, find yourself, then do what you have to do with your soul. The main thing is not to despair if you do not immediately succeed. The result is worth the effort.