Honesty and sincerity

Honesty and sincerity - concepts like similar, but at the same time and different. Honesty is avoiding deception and fraud in relation to other people, and sincerity is one of the aspects of honesty that actualizes the lack of contradictions between real feelings, their manifestation and their verbal expression. We are looking for these two qualities in other people, although often we ourselves sometimes lack them.

Honesty in relationships

Now, when many are used to throwing words to the wind, the problem of honesty is quite acute. It's hard to trust your relatives when you've already seen lies. And nevertheless, it is the principle of honesty that allows you to build relationships with loved ones correctly, on trust. If you at least once deceive a person, you will have to lie again and again, covering up your lies, and because of this, the probability of getting caught in such a shameful act is great. It is the honesty of a person that makes others treat him with confidence and respect - and, as is known, the absence of these two traits can severely damage relations with a loved one, with a close friend, and with parents.

A difficult question arises when you understand that honesty and truthfulness are not included in the list of the best qualities of your man, or other close person. Lying is a habit, and people who are inclined to lie lie constantly and even in cases where it is possible to tell the truth. Often very difficult, only by numerous conversations on souls and the right attitude it is possible though somehow to correct this situation, but there are cases when the person needs the help of the psychologist.

The desire to lie, to embellish reality, to hide facts is a cowardice before the reaction of others to the truth, and hence the realization that the act was wrong (otherwise why would you want to change it in words?).

Examples of honesty and sincerity

Honesty and honesty always go hand in hand. If a person walks in front of you and a large bill or purse flies out of your pocket, you always have a choice - silently take the find yourself or catch up with a person and return him to loss. It's easy to guess what an honest person will do.

Another example of honesty is the fulfillment of promises. If you only promise and do nothing, you can not be considered a reliable person. After all, if your words can not be trusted, then honesty is not your feature.

Sincerity is an attitude towards a person, in which your thoughts about him and your real behavior coincide. Sincere person will not allow himself to smile in the eyes and pour mud on his back.