
Tactfulness is a consequence of good and correct upbringing. In a friendly family it is not accepted to insult each other and raise their voices. Children take an example from their parents, so watch your speech! At an early age, they unconsciously copy adults. And when they grow up, they adopt the habits and manners of their family members. Parents are required to instill in the child a sense of proportion that must be respected in conversation. Tactfulness definition: worthy of yourself to keep, not to sink to insults, be delicate, polite, modest and tolerant - these are the meanings of the word tact.

People who have such remarkable traits of character have others around them. With them, it's nice and comfortable. Tactful people attract others by their behavior, with them quickly and easily find a common language.

Tactfulness in communication

To work with different people, tact, tact and sensitivity, are of great value. Such people will be respected in society, and will have success.

In our time, we often meet with tactlessness. Many young people are so accustomed to this that they stopped noticing and paying attention to it. Unfortunately, there is not enough time to explain moral values ​​and qualities. Now straightforward comments are possible on the appearance of an outsider. And the unceremonious teaching of life and advice, how to act, are acceptable. The level of education ceased to be manifested in good manners. Even close people, friends allow themselves to offend each other on purpose, considering it quite natural.

But not everything is lost! We can change a lot by starting with ourselves. Enough of this strongly want.

Let's put the experiment

For this we need:

But do not forget that each of us can be wrong. Just watch your speech and behavior. In any situation, do not lose confidence and remain patient.

The experiment is that we ourselves learn to be tactful and indirectly teach the politeness and tactfulness of the people with whom we communicate, which surround us.

  1. We learn to act tactfully. We do not point out mistakes and do not criticize.
  2. Our task is to show the correct example by our behavior. After all, only when we cultivate in our own delicacy and tactfulness, then we will have the right to judge for the tactlessness of others.
  3. In a situation where there is a desire to express all the bad things that you think, imagine that this only aggravates the situation. When we offend a person, he seeks to defend himself: he justifies himself, does not admit his mistakes. Then, he gets angry with you, and you do not achieve anything by it, just spoil the relationship with him. You set against yourself when you spill out the whole negative.
  4. Remember, he returns to you after a certain time. But it can only return on the other side and with a larger amplitude.
  5. What if the patience is already running out? Here, then, self-control comes to the aid and the ability to count to 20.
  6. We represent ourselves in the place of a person with whom a conflict arises, we diligently try to understand and forgive him. We do not know the real reasons for his terrible behavior. Most likely, he / she had problems in the family. Or he expresses himself so, demanding attention, which is deprived. Perhaps it requires communication, but does not know how to manifest itself. He does this in the simplest way - rudeness. In any case, he is unhappy, and thus screams about this to society ...

It's never too late to strive for something better. To be tolerant and tactful is a serious task that is put before humanity at all times.