Cream of black currant

Currant is one of the most useful berries. How to make a black currant jam, read below.

Black currant jam with pits



Currants are mine, dried and crushed in any convenient way - you can use a blender or a meat grinder. Then we shift the currant puree to an enameled container and cook a couple of minutes. When the currant cool down a little, grind it through a sieve, colander or squeeze it with the help of gauze. Pour sugar, stir well and boil for about 5 minutes. We pour jam on jars and cork. After cooling, it will thicken properly.

Black currant jam in the multivariate



Rinsed currant berries are washed and placed in the bowl of the appliance. Add water, close the lid of the device, select the mode "Multipage", set the temperature we need to 100 degrees and time - 20 minutes. Then we take a sieve with small holes and install it over a deep container. Berries are transferred into a sieve and grind them with a wooden spoon or pestle. Metal objects are useless to use, because when contacting the metal, vitamin C is destroyed. The cake that remains in the sieve can be used for jelly and compote. The resulting currant puree poured into a multivariate bowl, pour sugar. We set the "Quenching" mode and cook jam in it for 30 minutes. Hot jam is poured over prepared sterile jars , roll up, turn them over, leave them to cool, and then store them in the cold.

Blackcurrant jam at home



We change the currant, remove the green and damaged berries. Prepared currants are piled in a saucepan and using a pistil or spoon, crush until the formation of juice. This mass is covered with sugar, mix and put on average fire for half an hour, sometimes stirring. Now remove the berries from the plate and leave the watch for 10 cool. Again, put the mass on the fire and boil for 15 minutes, always stirring. Jam from the currant is poured into jars and sealed.

Delicious jam jelly from black currant



First, cook the syrup from sugar and purified water. Add the currant to it, let it boil and cook for 5 minutes on low heat. Penka, which will be formed, must be removed. We turn off the fire, let the mass cool down a bit, put it back on the fire, boil for another 4 minutes and pour it on jars.

Black currant jam without cooking



Clean dry currant berries are ground with a wooden pestle in enameled vessels. We pour sugar, mix well, leave it until the sugar dissolves completely, stir again and spread it over clean steamed jars. Such jam can not be rolled with tin lids. When stored in the cold, jars can be safely covered with ordinary capron caps or simply covered with paper and tied with a rope.

Black currant jam for the winter



Ripe berries of currants are sorted out, tails are cut off. Well washed, thrown to a colander and dried. Then we put the berries in a saucepan, knead it with a wooden spoon, so that the berries burst, and juice comes out of them. We pour a packet of "Confiturki" into the received mass, place it on a plate and bring it to a boil, with a lot of heating, stirring constantly. When the currant boils, pour sugar. Then we reduce the fire and again let it boil with sugar. Boil about 5 minutes, stirring. Hot jam is poured over sterile containers and closed. Successful blanks!