Implantation of the embryo - signs

Embryo implantation is one of the critical periods of pregnancy. This is because the future child has a gene composition that is alien to the mother's organism - after all half of the father's genes (23, haploid set).

During the implantation of the embryo, the embryo is introduced into the uterus, into its superficial mucous layer. At the same time, the villi of the embryo penetrate into the uterine mucosa, which may be accompanied by a slight bleeding.

When the embryo is attached to the wall of the uterus, and this occurs at different times in each particular woman, more often from the 8th to the 14th day after ovulation. By this time, the embryo already has two embryonic sheets - inside and outside. From the inner leaf, the fetus will develop, and from the outer leaf - the trophoblast, which in the future will form the placenta. It is the trophoblast that will play the main role in the further development of pregnancy: it is responsible for the development of specific substances that prevent the mother from attacking and rejecting the fetus.

At the site of embryo introduction, the uterine tissue becomes edematous, accumulates fluid, lipids and glycogen - this process is called a decidual reaction. There is a local defect in the mucous membrane of the uterus. Usually, before the 14th day after ovulation, this defect is closed, but minor bleeding may occur, In the place of the decidual reaction, the formation of many vessels of the future placenta occurs, and they will bleed.

With IVF, embryo implantation is of paramount importance, as they are a guarantee of successful fertilization and indicate the woman's ability to bear this fruit. This means that there is no rejection reaction and there are high chances of successful pregnancy.

The main signs of embryo implantation are divided into subjective and objective.

Subjective symptoms of implantation include:

Objective symptoms of embryo implantation include:

However, it is worth noting that the body temperature during embryo implantation can remain normal, and even decrease somewhat. Also, spotting is not mandatory. Significantly more frequent in women are pains when implanting the embryo in the lower abdomen, of a different nature and intensity.

Important! When embryo is implanted, spotting is light, lean, they are not abundant. If you notice a discharge according to the type of menstruation, which is accompanied by a pain in the lower abdomen, immediately consult a doctor! This may be the first sign of abortion. The faster you turn for help, the more likely you are to keep the embryo and your own health.

It is worth remembering that during the implantation there is a kind of "natural selection": infertile, not capable of further development, fertilized eggs are rejected by the mother's body and not implanted into the uterus. This prevents the development of deliberately inferior embryos in the fetus, since rejection before implantation is safe, does not threaten the life and health of the mother. But with numerous rejections before implantation, a complete medical examination is necessary to identify and eliminate the causes of the violation of this process.