21 cunning, thanks to which you will pass the exams perfectly!

Poor students. What they do not have to do in order to pass the exams. Do not sleep at night, do not eat, do not drink, study tons of books, learn notes, check the Internet. But all these known methods are considered ineffective, and scientists were able to prove this. Doubt? It's not worth it.

We invite all students to take these tips for a note that will make it easier for you to study.

1. Sleep at night

Students are used to not sleeping at night and trying to learn the subject. But if you do not sleep at least one night, then you risk worsening your thinking and memory. That is, one night without sleep jeopardizes everything that you knew and that you learned earlier.

2. Watch

Undoubtedly, to learn and learn something, you need to teach. But scientists have established that simply observing how others do something activates brain processes that mimic learning in practice. Therefore, routine observation can speed up the learning process.

3. Get rid of the markers

Students like to use bright markers and mark all the necessary places in the book. All these selections and underlines are very inefficient. The brain at the same time captures not the most basic, goes to the side and does not catch the connection between the basic concepts.

4. Do not sit down early for textbooks

Psychologists found that the interval between the last test passed and the beginning of the second training session should be at least 10%. That is, to remember what you were going through a year ago, you need to start this not earlier than a month after you started to learn something new.

5. Change the situation

We are inclined to think that if we study, then we need to pass the training in the appropriate environment, where there are people around who read, write, study. But studies have shown that students who study the material, changing their place of study, pass exams better than those who adhere to one place.

6. Do not ignore foreign languages

Studies have shown that the study of foreign languages ​​after three months of training improves the performance of the hippocampus and the cortex of the brain. And this helps us to keep information in mind for longer.

7. Allow yourself to be lazy

According to research, people can learn in a dream and even learned to establish a connection between specific sounds and smells in a dream.

8. Exercise

Exercises improve the ability to learn by building new neurons and slow (or even reduce) the cognitive decline. In laboratory animals, which are periodically forced to turn the wheel, these indicators are much higher than in sedentary creatures.

9. Play musical instruments

Adults who, as children, played musical instruments for 10 years, better remember information. Cognitive abilities are better for them than for people who are not engaged in music. Researchers believe that playing a musical instrument, as well as knowing two languages, eventually helps to strengthen the connections in the brain.

10. Study something serious just before bedtime

Expert Dan Taylor argues that studying the most complex material just before bedtime helps to assimilate it more easily and better remember the next morning.

11. Use a dream strategically

Go to sleep! Go to sleep!

Sleep is a cognitive weapon. Neuroscientists believe that names, faces, figures and other similar facts are fixed in memory only during deep sleep. Without it, this information can simply fly into one ear and fly out of the other. For example, during the study, adults more quickly performed computer tasks, which they read the day before. So take note: the dream strengthens memory for 12 hours of learning information. So sleep to remember!

12. Eat Correctly

A study by the University of Oxford showed that those students who, five days in advance of the exams, were fed high-fat foods and kept on a low-carbohydrate diet did worse exams than those who adhered to a balanced diet.

13. Take breaks

The study shows that the breaks between studies give the most positive effect and help to learn the material much better than cramming without interruption. Scientists say that every time after the break, we understand the material better and memorize it for a long time.

14. Throw away all unnecessary

Do not perform many tasks at the same time. You will feel that you have done a lot, but studies have shown that unnecessary stimuli during study reduce the speed of learning and worsen memory.

15. Forget about "auditory" and "visual" memory

Empirical research methods debunked the myth that people are dominated by the right or left hemisphere, and that people are divided into 2 categories: those who better perceive information visually and those who perceive it by ear.

16. Diversify information

Scientists came to the conclusion that the study of various types of information at a time helps to better remember them. This may be due to the fact that we subconsciously try to go deeper into the material.

17. Test yourself

Check yourself after each material you have covered. This is an excellent training for the brain. Studies have shown that students who studied the material and then rechecked themselves using the test, continued to keep information in their minds longer than the students who studied the information twice.

18. Sleep in the morning

Scientist Dan Taylor found that cramming early in the morning is not effective and useless. Wake up early in the morning is bad, as many processes that contribute to memory enhancement are violated.

19. Share information

According to the theory of cognitive loading, our memory has a low throughput. Psychologist George Miller proved that our brain "breaks" the information into 7 parts.

20. Do not try to remember something with difficulty

Son of the Nutcracker!

The attempt to extract information from the depths of memory in our minds will lead to the fact that later you will hardly forget this information.

21. Learn!

Everything will be fine, partner!

IQ is not just a thing that can be calculated using tests. Our knowledge and abilities depend more on how we learn, and not on what our minds could fix.

With these tricks you can learn and pass any subject. So, gather yourselves. Your studies are in your hands!