The sign "find the key"

Most Russian people believe in various signs , for example, about keys. Find the key on the note - a good event, but you should also take into account the various nuances.

Find the key - the people's sign

If you find the key, the folk sign says that this is a favorable sign for success, especially if the find is a beautiful antique product. Such a key can be made with your talisman, which will contribute to positive changes, overcoming obstacles and new achievements. The key-mascot can be worn on a bunch of your keys or on a ribbon.

There are other interpretations of such a find. Very often, finding a key is a sign for an early change of residence. If your find is old and rusty - you can expect to receive an inheritance or a solid reward. Find not one key, but a whole bunch - a sign to the solution of a whole tangle of problems.

Finding your lost keys is also a positive sign. This event means that soon the beginning of a new life stage is expected, possibly - addition in the family, but not the birth of a child, but the appearance of a new member of the family - the daughter-in-law, the son-in-law.

Other signs about the keys

Very often, people's signs warn of possible misfortunes. For example, a broken key is a bad sign, meaning that your home is being robbed. To protect yourself from thieves, make a bunch of several keys and tie them with a red ribbon. With this bunch go through the apartment and pozivite keys in every corner. Then hang this amulet on the front door.

Do not ring the keys on Wednesday - this sign warns that a person can go crazy. The loss of memory threatens those who often whistle in the key. In a family where it is customary to put keys on a table, quarrels often occur. And people who often drop a bunch of keys attract different misfortunes.