Febrile convulsions in children

Febrile convulsions in children - an unusual beginning of acute viral infectious diseases, however, is quite common. Statistics show that this symptom is observed 2-3% of all children with viral infections. Do not exaggerate their significance. Indeed, the cause is often a genetic predisposition, and not a serious neurological disease.

Febrile convulsions in children: causes

Most often in children under 5 years of age, seizures occur against a background of high fever in the child.

Sometimes parents believe that convulsions at the temperature of a child signify the onset of epilepsy. However, this is not at all the case. For this disease, in addition to cramps should indicate a large number of other symptoms. And with a full-time examination, the neurologist will find it. In most cases, febrile convulsions are accompanied by an infectious disease of the child. In this case, the infection affects the brain, and the child starts cramping.

Why one child causes the same infection cramps, and the other does not, experts answer, pointing to the genetic factor. Just like one child, every beginning of the disease caused by a viral infection is accompanied by vomiting, while the other does not, the propensity to convulsions is purely individual and no doctor can predict it.

How to recognize seizures in a child?

Usually this symptom makes itself felt on the first day of temperature rise. Before the attack begins, the child becomes restless, asks "for handles", as if seeking protection from his mother. He can also ask to lie down, read a book at a time when he usually plays mobile games.

When convulsions begin, it is accompanied by arching, twitching of the child's limbs, vomiting can occur. In this case, convulsions can be observed throughout the body of the baby or be local.

Febrile convulsions in children: emergency care

The main rule is calmness.

During febrile seizures, you need to prevent food, saliva, vomit from entering the child's respiratory tract, and to ensure that the child does not get hurt from colliding with surrounding objects, from falling to the floor.

So, lay the baby on the floor (if he is on the couch, then during seizures, can get bruises by rolling off of him), relax the clothing collar, the child should lie on his side, while his head should be turned down. Thus, the child will be able to tear without hindrance, without danger of drowning.

It is widely believed that during febrile seizures, it is necessary to hold the child, and also put out his tongue so that he does not suffocate. However, this is an extra precaution. Such actions are dangerous. Keeping the child's body, you can involuntarily inflict bruises on him, and by producing various manipulations with his tongue and jaw, cause injuries and jaws, and face and tongue.

Most often, febrile convulsions pass by themselves during the first two or three minutes (sometimes seconds), but there are cases where a febrile convulsion lasts 15 minutes.

Febrile convulsions in children do not require special further treatment, in the event that this attack was caused only once, against a background of high temperature (therefore, the treatment is symptomatic, as in ARVI without febrile seizures). If this attack is a manifestation of a neurological disease of the child (which is accompanied by a delay in the development of speech, development, other specific manifestations of the neurological disease), the specialist prescribes drugs that are individually selected.

As a rule, the consequences of seizures in children do not cause. However, in any case, a visit to a neurologist after ARI, suffered with such unpleasant symptoms, will not be superfluous.