Circles under the eyes of the child

Sometimes children develop circles and puffiness on the lower eyelids, and the troubled mother rushes to the doctor for help, because the reason for their appearance is incomprehensible, and everything that is unknown guards us and frightens us.

Let's try to understand the reasons why the child has red or blue circles under his eyes, and whether to panic ahead of time. They can be of different colors, but they are of the same nature, but differ in their color intensity, most often, depending on the stage of the disease.

The causes of dark circles under the eyes of a child

  1. First of all, the blue on the lower eyelid is the physiological state of the baby, because the skin in this place is very thin and the whole network of capillaries is visible through it. Therefore, in some cases, the cause of black (violet) circles under the eyes of a child may be an individual feature, and also hereditary factor is important.
  2. In second place is a very common condition of helminthic invasion. Unfortunately, it is sometimes possible to identify it only at a doctor's reception, which pays attention to cyanosis under the eyes of the baby. The products of the vital activity of the parasites decay and are absorbed into the surrounding tissues, causing intoxication.
  3. Angina or chronic tonsillitis, which often happens in children, can cause dark circles under the eyes.
  4. The same applies to adenoids - in children with a permanently embedded nose, dark circles are the norm.
  5. Caries and some other diseases of the oral cavity, if left untreated, provoke a darkening of the lower eyelids.
  6. Anemia causes pale skin and blue circles under the eyes, and the stronger it is, the darker the eyelids.
  7. Conjunctivitis causes reddening of the lower and upper eyelids, tearing and purulent discharge from the eye.
  8. VSD, or vegeto-vascular dystonia, when the baby complains regularly that he has a headache, dizziness, drowsiness, weakness, also manifests in the form of circles of purple or blue.
  9. Darkening of the area under the eyes accompanies obshchaya body fatigue in children of school age, when due to sharply increased loads, the child does not get enough sleep.
  10. Allergy is a very common culprit of red circles under the eyes of a child of any age. This color of the eyelids is typical for an allergic reaction to chemicals, dust and pollen of plants and other harmful substances, but with food intolerance this does not happen. The child rubs eyes, and thus even more irritates the already reddened skin of the eyelids.
  11. Colorless circles under the eyes, expressed in the form of puffiness, speak about a disease of the kidneys or that before going to bed a child drinks a lot of liquid.