Rinoflumacil for children

During the winter period, parents repeatedly face such an unpleasant phenomenon as a runny nose in a child. Runny nose rarely appears on its own and is often a symptom of such diseases as ARVI, adenoiditis, allergic or infectious rhinitis. In view of the fact that various diseases occur in different ways, the common cold also manifests itself in a variety of ways: nasal congestion, "current" discharge, swelling of the mucosa.

In order to get rid of the common cold, first of all, one should cure the underlying disease. Very often doctors prescribe rhinofluimucil for children, as an effective remedy against all inflammatory processes of the nasal cavity.

Rinoflumucil: indications for use

The instructions to the drug state that he is very successfully able to cope with the following types of rhinitis:

Benefits of using rhinofluicyl

The composition of rhinofluuculum includes active substances tuaminogapten sulfate and acetylcysteine, which have effective vasoconstrictive, anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effect. Unlike other vasoconstrictor drugs, which act only on the walls of blood vessels, rhinoflumycil can cope with purulent plugs and thick mucus, liquefying the accumulated contents and expelling it outside, and is also effective in combating prolonged "green snot" and nasal "crusts". Thus, the patient feels quick relief: the discharge stops, the nasal cavity is cleared, and breathing is restored. However, the active substances of the preparation do not have antibacterial action, therefore, rhinofluucimil can not replace the antibiotic.

Dosage of rhinofluicyl

The drug is available in the form of an aerosol, which is very convenient and more effective in comparison with the drops that often drain into the pharynx. Spray rhinofluuculum affects a large area of ​​the mucous membrane, so the effect of the application can be felt almost immediately.

Rinoflumucil is very often used in children's practice. For children aged 1 year, it is recommended to use 1 injection in each nasal passage 3-4 times a day. Parents should be aware that any drops that have a vasoconstrictive effect can not be used for more than 5-7 days because they are addictive, and rhinoflumycil is no exception. The shelf life of rhinofluicyl is 2.5 years in sealed form and three weeks from the day the vial is opened.

Rinoflaimucil contraindications

Any drug is prescribed by the doctor individually, but sometimes the side effects of the drug are difficult to predict. In medical practice, there are cases when the same drug can have different effects on the body. Before applying rhinofluucil, you need to carefully read the composition, perhaps some components of your child has already been negative reaction. So, rinoflumucil is not recommended for use for children under one year, and you should also observe increased precautions, using rhinofluimucil for children of the second year of life. Most often, the use of the drug may be accompanied by rapid heartbeat, increased excitability, dry nasopharyngeal mucosa or a violation of urination. In this case, you need to stop using the drug.

To increase the effectiveness of any pharmacological drug, parents should create all conditions for the speedy recovery of the child: copious drinking, moist air and active stay in the fresh air.