Treatment of giardiasis in children - a scheme

If parents from childhood learn the rules of personal hygiene, then they protect them from many parasitic infections. Including giardiasis. This disease is characterized by intoxication of the body, allergy and weakening of immunity.

Giardiasis in a child can be diagnosed only by a doctor after certain tests and studies. And the treatment should take place only under the supervision of a doctor. Although there are folk recipes in this disease, experts say that they can only be a supplement. Medicines also need to be selected together with the doctor, tk. many of them are toxic, and excess dosage can be dangerous for a child's life.

So, if you went to a hospital and your child is diagnosed, the doctor will prescribe certain drugs, a diet and give recommendations.

The scheme of treatment of giardiasis in children includes three stages with the use of "Macmiore" and (or) "Nemozola." The first drug is considered safer. Dosage is prescribed by the doctor, based on the age, weight, health of the child. Do not try to pick the dosage yourself and at home. Once again, we emphasize that this can be very dangerous.

Scheme of treatment of giardiasis in children

At the first stage, the body is trained to fight. Since the appearance of lamblia provokes a disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, the task is just in the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract. Duration - up to one month. At this time, recommend a special diet, which includes a lot of protein, sour-milk products, fruits, vegetables and the exclusion of all sweets. To normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, use Smectu, activated charcoal.

The next stage is the immediate disposal of lamblia. For treatment, Effects on pathogenic protozoa, such as "McMiore." The treatment regimen for giardiasis using Nemozol is similar. On the fifth day of the course, deterioration may occur. The fact is that lamblia is dying, and there is a strong intoxication of the body. However, on the eighth-tenth day, the child becomes better.

During the second stage, other drugs may be prescribed, depending on how the disease proceeds. Treatment of Giardiasis should be comprehensive.

The final stage is the restoration of the intestinal microflora with the help of such drugs as "Bifidumbacterin" , "Acipol", etc.