KTG during pregnancy is the norm

During the carrying of the baby, every mother experiences how comfortable the child is inside her, and tries to provide him with everything necessary for full growth and development. That is why all future mothers rigorously undergo numerous analyzes and various studies, among which an important place is occupied by the FGP of the fetus during pregnancy. However, not everyone understands the essence and importance of this research. This article describes the most popular questions related to this type of analysis.

Why do an analysis of KGT in pregnancy?

Cardiotography (KGT) is performed to obtain data on cardiac activity of the fetus and the frequency with which its heart beats. Also the motor activity of the child is studied, with what frequency the childbearing organ is reduced and how the baby reacts to the pressure exerted on it. The procedure of KGT in pregnancy, together with ultrasound and dopplerometry, gives a real chance to establish any deviations from the normal gestation process, to study the reaction of the heart and fetal vessels to the contractile function of the uterus. With the help of this analysis, you can identify such dangerous situations as:

Timely clarification of all these circumstances allows the doctor to take emergency measures and adjust the course of gestation.

When do KGT in pregnancy?

The most optimal period for the implementation of this study is the third trimester of gestation, starting around the 32nd week. This is due to the fact that by this time the child already has a fully formed cardiac contractile reflex, a relationship has been established between the activity of the heart and the movements of the baby, the "sleep-wake" cycle has been defined. Of course, you can do the research earlier, but in this case, the indicators of KGT in pregnancy may be unreliable.

Preparing for KGT in pregnancy

A woman does not need to prepare for research in advance. On the abdomen of the future mother will attach two sensors that record the activity of the uterus, fetus and heartbeat of the child. A prerequisite is the comfortable position of the woman's body, no matter if she is sitting or lying. In the hands of a pregnant woman, a device is put in with a button, on which it must press every time the baby starts to move.

Norm of KGT in pregnancy

At once we will make a reservation, that the data received thus, can not serve as the serious basis for acknowledgment of this or that diagnosis. To obtain reliable information, the study should be conducted several times. There are certain standards for the examination of KGT in pregnancy, for example:

Depending on the data obtained, a conclusion is drawn about the state of the fetus, which is guided by a generally accepted scale or a 10-point ball system. In the event that KGT during pregnancy is bad, the doctor may well appoint a woman to stimulate labor before the term.

Is KGT harmful in pregnancy?

This is perhaps the most exciting question for future mothers. This study can not do any harm to the crumb, in contrast to the refusal to implement it. KGT can be done as needed, though every day.