Cone in the breast of women

Today, various pathologies of mammary glands in women are not uncommon. Quite often this problem is faced by very young girls who have just entered the phase of puberty. Often, with palpation and a full examination of his chest , a fair sex representative may notice a lump, or densification.

This situation, as a rule, causes great anxiety and even panic, but in reality this violation is not always a sign of dangerous diseases. In this article we will tell you about why a lump in the breast of women can appear, and in what situations it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Why in the breast gland the girl can form a lump?

Typically, such seals in the mammary glands are caused by the following reasons:

  1. At some girls such situation can be connected with natural change of a hormonal background in connection with approach of the next menstrual cycle. For this reason, before the onset of menstruation, a woman swells up her breasts , and a dense cone appears inside her. With the onset of menstrual bleeding, the mammary glands once again become soft, and small seals in them dissolve themselves. This condition is absolutely natural, and it does not require any medical intervention.
  2. In addition, in some cases, the cause of hormonal imbalance and the formation of seals in the chest is the reception of certain medications.
  3. Especially often the lump in the breast can be found in the breastfeeding mother. During this period, the breast can very easily become inflamed as a result of infection through the nipples, hypothermia, wearing an improper bra and other external factors. In addition, lactation often causes cones in the breast due to obstruction of the milk ducts. In this situation, a young mother must, after feeding the baby, decant each breast until it is completely devastated, so that the milk does not stagnate. If there is an inflammatory process, it is necessary to consult a doctor and prescribe adequate medications approved during breastfeeding.
  4. If the lump in the thoracic glands of women hurts when you press it and, moreover, is mobile, most likely, it is a question of a cyst. In some cases, this condition may be accompanied by the appearance of transparent discharge from the nipple.
  5. Also, thrombophlebitis, that is, the formation of blood clots in the vein of the breast, may be the cause of such a disorder. In this case, the body temperature usually rises, and the skin blushes at the place of appearance of the compaction.
  6. Finally, the most dangerous cause of this condition can be oncological disease of dairy glands. Pay special attention to your health, if the lump formed in your chest is motionless, and at least occasionally droplets of blood are released from the nipple.

If such a violation is found, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor, except for the case when such education appears every month, disappears immediately with the onset of another menstruation and thus does not bother you in any way. In all other situations, the cone in the breast of women requires compulsory treatment under the supervision of a doctor, since it may indicate the presence of serious diseases.