Preparations with estrogens

Before turning to the topic of estrogen preparations, let's define the concept of estrogen proper. Under this definition are steroid female sex hormones, the production of which is under the control of the pituitary gland. Along with other hormones, estrogens play a crucial role in cellular metabolism, they are responsible for the reproductive functions and external appeal of women. The lack of these hormones leads to various disorders, usually requiring hormone replacement therapy.

Preparations containing estrogen are conventionally divided into two large groups:

Drugs that lower estrogen (contraceptives)

The structure and composition are close to the hormones of the female body. Coming from the outside, these drugs lower the production of their own hormones, preventing the onset of ovulation. Preparations of this group are divided into:

Preparations for increasing the level of estrogen

The drugs of the group are used mainly to correct violations of the menstrual cycle and in the treatment of infertility. They are also prescribed with a low estrogen content in the body of the expectant mother during pregnancy. This group includes:

Preparations with estrogen in menopause

During the menopause, the woman's body needs hormone replacement therapy, indications for which are various vegetative disorders (hypertension, vascular spasms and others), the development of osteoporosis and other disorders.

Estrogen tablets or intravenous or intramuscular injections may be prescribed for estrogen replacement therapy.

Most often used drugs of the estrogen group: Klimen, Femoston, Klimonorm.

Hormonal preparations with estrogen can be used in the form of orally taken tablets (Estradiol benzoate, Estradiol succinate), intramuscular injections (Gynodian depot) or in the form of hormonal patches, creams or ointments (Ovestin, Divigel , Klimara). Each of these types of drugs with estrogens has its own merits and, accordingly, disadvantages.

Herbal preparations containing estrogen

If for any reason, medical hormone replacement therapy is not possible, phytoestrogens come to the rescue. Plant hormones are, perhaps, the only alternative to the traditional treatment of climacteric disorders. A group of these preparations containing estrogens of plant origin is distinguished by the absence of side effects and safety for the organism. The representative of this group of drugs is BAD Inoklim.

In addition to preparations containing natural estrogens, a group of synthetic estrogens with a different chemical structure and stronger therapeutic effect is isolated. However, the effect of these drugs, often accompanied by notable side effects. The drugs of this group include: Ethinyl estradiol, Estradiol valerate, Ogen.