Pain reliever with monthly

Such a phenomenon as painful menstruation, is familiar to many women. As a rule, in such cases, the girls are counted every day to wait until the moment when the monthly ends. In order to ease your health, and at least temporarily relieve the pain, the fair sex representatives resort to the help of painkillers, which are with such a monthly single salvation. Let's consider the most popular drugs used in such situations.

What non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can be taken during menstruation?

A distinctive feature of this group of medicines is the severity of their action. The popularity of these drugs in women is also due to their low cost and affordability.

Aspirin, known as an antipyretic, also has an anti-inflammatory effect, and is also able to relieve pain. Doctors recommend taking it no more than 2 tablets, and no more than 4 times a day.

Also, anti-inflammatory drugs include Paracetamol (dosage - no more than 4 tablets per day), Ibuprofen (up to 6 tablets per day), Piroxicam (3 tablets a day), Ketoprofen (2 tablets up to 3 times a day). A strong painkiller for menstruation is Nurofen Plus (1-2 tablets a day), which refers to combined drugs. The indicated dosages are the maximum allowable. In each case, depending on the severity of pain, the presence or absence of concomitant pathologies, the doctor prescribes the multiplicity and amount of the drug individually. Therefore, using anesthetic tablets with menstruation can only be after agreement with the doctor.

What antispasmodic drugs can be used for painful menstruation?

This group of drugs reduces the contractility of the musculature of the reproductive organs, which in turn leads to a reduction in pain. The best effect can be achieved by taking them along with the anti-inflammatory agents listed above. Examples of such analgesic drugs with monthly, may include the following medicines:

Acceptance of these medicines should also be agreed with the doctor.

Analgesic drugs in painful menstruation

An example of such drugs may be Analgin, Peretin, Novalgin, Baralgin, Minalgin. Most often they are prescribed 1 tablet up to 5 times a day. Such medicines relieve pain only for a short time.

What other dosage forms can be used for pain during menstruation?

Often, if painful periods are painful, candles can be prescribed. As a rule, such drugs in their composition contain anti-inflammatory components, as well as analgesics. An example of such can serve:

What to do to a woman who has painful periods?

The first thing to do in this situation is to make an appointment with a gynecologist. Only after examination and completed examination, he will be able to determine what pain medication a woman can drink with pain during menstruation. After all, quite often painful sensations during menstruation, is only a symptom of a gynecological disease requiring medical intervention.

In some cases, when the pain is strong and simply unbearable, emergency hospitalization can be indicated. Typically, this is done if there is internal, uterine bleeding. In this situation, the blood first stands out a little (as in the case of menstruation), but the pain is so strong that only anesthetic injections allow for a time to remove the spasm.

Thus, summing up, it's hard to say what kind of pain medication is out of the above, with the monthly best. To help make a woman the right choice can only an experienced gynecologist.