Pulsatilla with a delay in menstruation

In process of evolution, the person has tried the most various ways of treatment - from plants and Gallen's preparations to medicines which are made by complex methods by means of the newest devices. But disappointed in the medical products of the new generation, people began to return to the origins. Treatment with homeopathy is now a topical topic, including in gynecological practice. Today we will consider in detail the preparation of pulsatilla, as well as an important question - how to use it when delaying the monthly, so as to cause them.

Homeopathic remedy pulsatilla

Probably, you have already heard that any homeopathic drug is selected individually for the character, organism and general condition of the patient. Thus, Pulsatilla is the first line drug for women of emotional, infantile, timid and vulnerable. In the state of disobedience, the patient manifests herself as an irritable and aggressive person. She is slow and phlegmatic. If you find yourself in the above description - then the homeopathic remedy pulsatilla will suit you ideally for calling monthly.

Composition of pulsatyls

Pulsatilla granules consist of an extract of a plant, which in Russian is known as a chamber. From time immemorial this flower was used in medical practice due to its medicinal properties. Therefore, the homeopathic remedy of pulsatilla has been approved by many practicing gynecologists.

Pulsatilla - indications for use

Indications for the use of homeopathic remedy pulsatilla in gynecology are as follows:

Pulsatilla with a delay in menstruation

Most likely, you are asking a completely logical question: does Pulsatilla really help to call monthly? Our answer is yes, and, therefore, we hurry to give arguments to this statement. As we noted above - pulsatilla is shown especially to sensitive people, who all take to their own account and experience emotional stress due to any stresses. And stress, as you know, is closely related to the delay in menstruation. Therefore, adjusting the neuro-endocrine balance in the body, pulsatilla is often used in amenorrhea (delay in menstruation).

Pulsatilla - a dosage at a delay of monthly

To call the pulmonary using the homeopathic remedy, you need to use it for a long period. The recommended preparation for this purpose is Pulsatilla 6, in a dose of 5 granules, 2 times a day, in the morning and in the evening.

Keep in mind that there are a number of products that reduce the effects of pulsatilla, thereby reducing its effect and not pulsatilla does not act as quickly as needed.

Therefore, exclude from the diet for the time of taking this homeopathic remedy the following products: coffee, tea, chocolate, mint, lemon, alcohol, camphor.

After the pulsatilla effect has reached its maximum, and your cycle has been adjusted, you can take this remedy for the purpose of prevention. Dosage of pulsatilla in this case is 5 granules once a day 3 times a week.

In case of a new exacerbation, start again taking pulsatilla 6 according to the scheme of 5 granules 2 times a day.

Well, if the pulsatilla has not given the desired effect, consult your homeopath, maybe you need to change the drug.

Before you start taking pulsatilla with a delay in menstruation, make sure that you are not pregnant. Be healthy!