Bump in the chest

Every second woman today is confronted with a situation in which some bumps, lumps, and lumps form in the chest. Usually such symptoms disappear and appear in certain phases of the monthly cycle. This is due to the fact that before and during menstruation in the body, the hormonal background changes, which provokes a delay in the mammary glands of the fluid. Sometimes the lump in the chest before the monthly starts to create discomfort, which after a few days passes.

If you are a young nursing mother, and you have a dense (painful or painless) seal in your chest, the cause of its formation is most probably the blockage of the milk ducts-ducts with milk. In the initial stages, the problem will be handled easily - massage and compresses from cabbage leaves will help. When the situation is started and complicated by the temperature, it is impossible to do without qualified medical care. The problem should be eliminated immediately, because breast milk can "burn out", and your baby will have to eat the mixture, and you will not be able to avoid painful procedures aimed at cleaning the ducts.

Women should take into account that if the lump appears on the chest, then this does not mean that the tumor is malignant. About 90% of cases to cancer do not have a relationship. However, after revealing a small bump in self-examination in the chest, it is worth informing the doctor about it.

The causes of cones

As already mentioned, in most cases, the cause of the cone in the breast is a non-malignant tumor. You can distinguish non-malignant tumor by monitoring the dynamics of changes in its size. If the lump in the breast in women becomes less or more, depending on the phase of the monthly cycle, then we are not talking about malignant education. Often the cause of a painful lump in the chest is fibrocystitis. This disease is characterized by a decrease and an increase in the size of the lump. And, for a day or two before the onset of menstrual period, the lump disappears.

Seals, hard lumps in the chest can appear in women, regardless of age. Sometimes the cause is infection, fibroadenoma, fibrocystic mastopathy, cyst and even trauma. Such benign tumors are successfully treated, but no lump can be called benign until the doctor appreciated it!

In addition to cysts and tumor abscesses, the causes of red cones on the chest, in the chest and on the nipples can be fatty tumors and neoplasms. The first include fat necrosis and breast lipomas. Often these formations disappear on their own without requiring treatment. Breast neoplasms can be: adenoma, intraductival papilloma and cancer.

Seals in the female breast can arise due to blockage of blood vessels, which is called thrombophlebitis. The large vein, which is located on the line of the chest and stretches from the armpits, is clogged, forming a thrombus. At this point the skin becomes reddish, itches, it swells a little. Such a disease occurs in women extremely rare, but it is impossible to exclude it altogether.

Precautionary measures

Monthly for 7-10 days after the onset of menstruation, breast self-examination should be performed. To do this, you need to relax and gently palpate the entire breast, including the nipples. When examining the left breast, hold the feeling with your right hand, and vice versa, so that the pectoral muscles do not strain.

The first thing to do when you find a lump in your chest is to seek qualified advice from a doctor. This question is the competence of a mammologist, but if there is no such specialist in your clinic, then you should go to the surgeon. Even the most serious diseases, identified at the very beginning of their development, are amenable to treatment.