Preparations with menopause

In the life of every woman comes the so-called "transitional" period, from the age of childbearing to old age. It is characterized by the cessation of regular menstrual cycles, which indicates a gradual decrease in the main function of the ovaries. This process occurs against the background of a progressive decrease in the formation of sex hormones, estrogens . This period in medicine is called the climax. Simultaneously with this, the woman's health worsens, that's why the need for preparations with menopause arises.

When does menopause usually begin?

Most often menopause begins in women in 50-53 years. But despite this, the termination of menstruation is often observed in 40 years (early menopause), and also in 36-39 years - premature menopause. The cause of the latter is usually severe stress, surgical removal of the ovaries or chemotherapy.

Symptoms that can easily determine the onset of menopause are increased irritability, sleep disturbance, and the occurrence of so-called hot flashes , which are accompanied by the appearance of a slight blush on the cheeks of a woman, and a feeling of heat.

How to deal with manifestations of menopause?

With the onset of this period in the life of a woman, there is a natural question, what medications should I take with menopause? Today their assortment is great, therefore at women and there are difficulties at a choice. Let's consider some the best variants of preparations which are successfully applied at a climacterium.

The most affordable drug in Russia is Estrovel . This drug belongs to the phytopreparation group. It helps to eliminate the lack of estrogen, and also reduces the intensity of tides, corrects the psycho-emotional state, and reduces the risk of estrogen-dependent neoplasms. That is why, this drug refers to drugs that are used for prophylaxis in menopause. Usually prescribed 1-2 tablets a day, during meals. The duration of taking the drug is 2 months.

The drug Tsi-Klim also refers to drugs that facilitate the course of menopause. Like Estrovel, considered above, this drug is based on herbs that help restore the lack of estrogen, which is observed in women of mature age.

If we consider nonhormonal drugs, a good preparation for menopause is the vitamin complex Menopace , produced in Great Britain. It includes vitamins A, E, C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, D3, as well as folic acid, boron, magnesium, zinc iron and other microelements. All of them contribute to immunocorrection, and are used to prevent osteoporosis, eliminate the deficiency of vitamins and minerals, which is observed in the menopause.

Among the homeopathic remedies that allow to combat the manifestations of menopause, the Klimaktoplan , Germany's production, proved to be quite good. In addition to eliminating the climacteric syndrome, the drug also has a restorative effect, which is important in this period.

Thus, the list of modern drugs for menopause is quite large. this woman must necessarily consult with a doctor who will tell you what drugs she needs to drink with menopause and what drug is better. Typically, for the treatment of menopause preferences are given to non-hormonal drugs. If you believe the rating of drugs used in menopause, the best non-hormonal are: