Acute vaginitis - causes of development, symptoms and treatment

Under the term, as acute vaginitis, it is customary to understand the inflammatory lesion of the vaginal mucosa. The disease can be provoked by a variety of factors, including infections, viruses, fungi. The algorithm of treatment depends on the type of pathogen. Consider the disease in detail, establish the reasons, tell you about the signs and measures of struggle.

Vaginitis - Symptoms

For a timely referral to a doctor, the appointment of appropriate treatment, a woman should have an idea of ​​the main signs of the violation. Sometimes she does not suspect that she has acute vaginitis, the symptoms of which are as follows:

Depending on the type of disease, the causative agent of its cause, there is a specific symptomatology of acute vaginitis:

Vaginitis - Causes

A precise diagnosis is carried out to accurately establish the factor that triggered the violation. Such activities as a swab of the vagina, urethra, can identify acute vaginitis, whose causes are as follows:

Acute vaginitis - treatment

Before treating acute vaginitis, doctors perform a full diagnosis, in order to determine the cause. Only after the establishment of the causative agent, factors provoking the development of the disease, complex therapy is prescribed. It consists of:

Than to treat a vaginitis?

After the establishment of the pathogen, preparations are selected for the treatment of vaginitis. Among them are:

Duration of use, the frequency of application is indicated exclusively by the gynecologist. These parameters directly depend on the stage of the disease, due to its severity, symptoms, type of pathogen. Strictly fulfilling the appointment and instructions of a doctor, a woman after 1-2 weeks notice a significant improvement, the disappearance of symptoms.

Vaginitis - folk remedies

Treatment of vaginitis with folk remedies gives positive results. To avoid complications, before using the prescription is to consult with the doctors. Effective in such cases are:

Acute vaginitis in pregnancy

During the period of bearing the baby the woman is susceptible to numerous diseases. Due to weakened immunity, changes in the microflora of the vagina, vaginitis during pregnancy is often noted. In this case, doctors recommend not to take independent action, but immediately go to the doctor. The establishment of the cause, its elimination is the key to successful treatment.

Acute vaginitis in gestation is caused by changes in the environment of the vagina. Due to its shift to the alkaline side, ideal conditions are created for growth and reproduction of such pathogens as chlamydia, mycoplasma, trichomonads. This provokes the development of an inflammatory reaction from the mucosa, which causes a characteristic clinical picture for vaginitis.

Is it possible to have sex with vaginitis?

This question interests all women with a similar diagnosis. Doctors advise to refrain from sexual intercourse during the period of the disease and the therapeutic process. There are several reasons for this:

The microorganism that provokes vaginitis is transmitted sexually. Often, the disease develops against the background of an infection that can be transmitted to the partner through intimate contact. The use of mechanical, barrier contraceptives reduces the likelihood of infection, but does not completely exclude it. Abstinence from sex for the period of treatment is the only way to save a partner. In the infectious nature of vaginitis, treatment should be taken both to rule out the relapse of the disease later.

Prophylaxis of vaginitis

Preventive measures can prevent vaginitis in women. Talking about the methods of fighting the violation, its relapse, doctors pay attention to:

  1. Timely, regular hygiene of the genital tract. When washing, only neutral agents are used. Water procedures should be carried out at least 2 times a day.
  2. Prophylactic examinations. A visit to a gynecologist every six months must be the responsibility of every woman. Doctors, having conducted an inspection, can at an early stage determine the violation, appoint an additional examination if necessary.
  3. Fidelity to the partner. Frequent, promiscuous sexual relations provoke the development of inflammatory disorders, are the cause of sexual diseases.
  4. Use of comfortable underwear made from natural fabrics. The constant wearing of strings increases the risk of developing genital tract infections.

What is dangerous vaginitis?

Each woman should fully comply with the prescriptions and recommendations of a doctor to cure vaginitis, the consequences of which can affect the condition of the reproductive system, the female body as a whole. Among them are: