Dark discharge before menstruation

Allocations of dark brown color, immediately before menstruation, can be both a normal phenomenon and a sign of gynecological impairment. Let's take a closer look and tell you what the dark secretions can talk about before the menstruation.

When the dark discharge before menstruation can be considered the norm?

Such a phenomenon in a fairly large number of women can be called the first sign of the approaching monthly. Most often they are observed literally a couple of hours before the appearance of menstrual blood. They receive their color by virtue of the fact that at the very beginning of menstruation, with the allocation of a small amount of blood, it does not immediately come out, resulting in a dark color.

It has also been scientifically proven that any stressful situation in a woman leads to a change in the hormonal background in her body. Because of this, bloody discharge of dark color can be observed shortly before the menstruation.

In addition to everything said above, it is worth considering the fact that, for example, a sharp change in body weight, with a prolonged diet, also inevitably affects the state of the hormonal system and can lead to the appearance of excretions before menstruation.

In what cases is the appearance of dark color before menstruation a symptom of the disease?

Despite the fact that this kind of phenomenon can be observed in completely healthy women, in most cases, dark, bloody discharge before menstruation means that a woman has a gynecological disease in her body.

So, the most widespread of the female illnesses causing such symptomatology, is an endometriosis. In addition to excretions, the shade of which can be from brown, brown to black, with this disorder, there are painful sensations localized in the lower abdomen, which are often noisy.

As for the volume of excretions in this disease, it is small, - more often than not women complain of a smear of a suspicious, dark color.

The second most common disease, which is accompanied by the appearance of secretions of dark color, is endometritis. This disease has an infectious origin. Along with the secretions that have an unpleasant smell, the woman marks the appearance of permanent, painful sensations in the lower abdomen of the aching nature, which often radiate to the area of ​​the sacrum and waist, and there are more than one day. All this, as a rule, is accompanied by a decline in strength, a lack of mood.

It is also necessary to say that many sexual infections are accompanied by the appearance of secretions shortly before menstruation. So, for example, dark yellow discharge, just before menstruation can talk about such pathologies as:

Talking about why the dark discharge can appear before the menstruation, it is impossible not to call such a reason as the presence of tumor-like formations in the reproductive organs. An example of such can be hyperplasia of polyps of the endometrium. With this disease, as a rule, there is a malfunction of the menstrual cycle, the appearance of premenstrual secretions, and ointments at the beginning and middle of the cycle. The woman notes the appearance of pain directly in the small pelvis, which often have a cramping character.

With such tumor-like formation as myoma, dark discharge shortly before menstruation - a frequent phenomenon. In most cases, at the initial stage such a violation can not be identified, because it is practically asymptomatic and does not bother a woman. Only with an increase in the formation in size does the pressure increase on the adjacent organs, which causes severe pain. Then a woman seeks medical help.

Thus, as can be seen from the article, there are quite a lot of reasons for the appearance of dark color separations before the most monthly ones. Therefore, for the exact establishment of the one that led to the violation, medical consultation and examination is necessary.