Hypoplasia of the uterus

Such a disease as hypoplasia of the uterus body is characterized by a decrease in its size in comparison with physiological and age norms. The clinical manifestation of this disease is the later onset of menstruation (after 16 years), irregularity, increased soreness, as well as miscarriages, abnormalities of labor, infertility, anorgasmia and decreased libido. Treatment of uterine hypoplasia begins with a diagnosis, which is carried out using vaginal examination, probing the uterine cavity and ultrasound. The process of treatment includes physical therapy, hormone therapy and exercise therapy. The onset of pregnancy and its successful resolution depends on the degree of hypoplasia in a woman.

This disease in medical practice is often called a child's uterus or infantilism. In the body of a woman a sufficient number of steroids is not produced, and this provokes the uterine underdevelopment. It remains small, with a conical long neck and hyperanthelexia. If hypoplasia is accompanied by long convoluted tubes, then the woman is threatened with absolute sterility. Pregnancy often develops outside the uterus, and the genitals also do not develop. Often, hypoplasia is diagnosed simultaneously with polycystic ovary.

Degrees of hypoplasia

Often, the causes of uterine hypoplasia are associated with violations of the regulation system "uterus-hypothalamus", ovarian failure with gonadotropic increased activity of the pituitary gland. These disruptions in the children's organism are provoked by hypovitaminosis, intoxications (nicotine, narcotic including), nervous disorders, excessive stress, frequent infections and anorexia. Correctly formed initially the womb ceases to develop.

Depending on the age at which the uterus ceased to develop normally, three degrees of this disease are recognized in gynecology. Thus, hypoplasia of the uterus of the 1st degree (fetal, embryonic) is characterized by a uterus whose length does not exceed three centimeters. Its cavity is almost unformed, and the entire size is the neck. If the size of the body is from three to five centimeters, it is a hypoplasia of the uterus of the 2nd degree , characterized by the predominance of the cervix in a ratio of 3: 1. The most mild form is considered to be the uterine hypoplasia of the third degree , when the length of the uterus varies within the range of 5.5-7 centimeters.


The first signs of hypoplasia of the uterus are the monthly, more precisely their nature. If the girl is sixteen years old, and the month has not yet begun, then this is an occasion for a visit to the gynecologist. In addition, symptoms of uterine hypoplasia are also lag in general physical development, hypoplastic mammary glands, unexpressed secondary sexual characteristics, as well as anorgasmia, atonic bleeding after childbirth. Often a woman suffers from cervicitis, endometritis.

Such echo signs of uterine hypoplasia require urgent diagnosis, because the reproductive function of a woman is at stake. First, a woman will be examined by a gynecologist for genital infantilism. Then the size of the neck and body of the uterus will be examined. This is necessary to determine the degree of the disease. In addition, the doctor can appoint X-ray, ultrasound hysterosalpingoscopy, as well as hormonal analysis, uterine sounding and even brain MRI.

Treatment of hypoplasia

The doctor will be able to decide how to treat the uterine hypoplasia, only after setting her degree. The basis of treatment is stimulating, substitution therapy. Sometimes it is possible to increase the size of the uterus to normal and restore the monthly cycle.

Unfortunately, treatment of uterine hypoplasia with folk remedies is not possible. Good results can be achieved with the combination of hormonal treatment with laser therapy, diathermy, magnetotherapy and mud therapy.