How does Mifepristone work?

Mifepristone is one of the most famous medicines, which is used to interrupt pregnancy or to stimulate delivery at different times. Although many women understand what this tool is used for, not everyone knows how it works and after what time you can expect the effect of its reception.

How does Mifepristone work when a pregnancy is interrupted?

At the earliest stage of pregnancy, that is, before the six-week period, this drug can be used for its emergency or planned interruption. Mifepristone blocks the synthesis of progesterone at the level of the receptors, and since this hormone is necessary for the normal course of pregnancy and fetation, as a result of its reception, rejection of the fetal egg occurs.

Thus, under the action of the drug, placental capillaries are destroyed, as a result of which the embryo detaches from the walls of the uterus and is removed outward. As a rule, in order to achieve a more rapid and noticeable effect, the addition of prostaglandins, for example, Dinoprost or Misoprostol, is additionally prescribed. These drugs increase the contractility of the uterine musculature, so that the fetal egg is excreted much faster.

How does Mifepristone work during childbirth?

Often, mifepristone is used at a late stage of pregnancy to stimulate delivery in the event that a natural birth process does not occur in a woman. In this case, taking the drug promotes the opening of the cervix and the beginning of the fetal movement through the birth canal. As a rule, with the normal course of pregnancy, this leads to the emergence of fights and the escape of amniotic fluid, so that the young mother is naturally given birth.

How quickly does Mifepristone work?

Most women who are forced to use this medication are interested in the question of how quickly Mifepristone acts during the stimulation of labor or the termination of pregnancy. This time depends on many factors and the general condition of the girl's body, but on average the effect of taking the medication begins to manifest after 24 hours. At the same time, the maximum concentration of Mifepristone in the blood of a future mother is reached in 4 hours. The half-life of the drug, in turn, is 18 hours.

However, there are also cases when, after a day, Mifepristone had no effect on the body of a pregnant woman, and in this case she has to take another pill. If, however, the two-time administration of the drug has not had the desired effect, the doctor may prescribe another, more potent remedy.

How does Mifepristone affect the fetus?

The intake of Mifepristone in the right dosage in the absence of contraindications in a pregnant woman does not adversely affect the fetus. Nevertheless, this remedy can be used to stimulate delivery only under the supervision of a doctor, since it is a rather serious medication and can cause complications.

To exceed the permissible dosage of Mifepristone it is impossible under any circumstances - this can lead to the onset of hypoxia of the brain in an unborn baby, which in turn can lead to severe consequences up to fetal death.

How to stop the action of Mifepristone?

In rare cases, there may be a situation where there will be a need to stop the action of Mifepristone and stop the interruption of pregnancy. To do this, enter 200 mg of Progesterone intramuscularly for 2 consecutive days after taking the drug, and then do such injections 2-3 times a week until the end of the second trimester.

Save pregnancy in these circumstances is not always possible, and the probability of successful bearing of an infant is the higher, the less time passed between the intake of Mifepristone and Progesterone injection.