Rare urination in women

Proper work of the urinary system is one of the main components of human life support. Therefore, if you have any problems with the violation of urine output, you should immediately seek medical help. Otherwise, the violation of urination can result in irreparable consequences, up to a lethal outcome. It is to such pathological processes that rare urination occurs in women.

Rare urination - what's the point?

Normally, in a healthy woman, the volume of excreted urine during the urination is three-fourths of the fluid consumed per day (about 1500 ml of urine), which goes for about 5 visits to the restroom. Such criteria indicate the normal course of the process of formation and excretion of urine.

If the daily volume of excreted urine drops sharply, doctors diagnose oliguria. By this term is meant a rare urination, in which the amount of secreted fluid is one third of the age norm.

Causes of rare urination

The causes of the appearance of rare urination in women are very diverse, as a rule, these are serious diseases and disorders in the work of many organs and systems of the whole organism. The most common are:

Depending on the reasons are distinguished: physiological oliguria and pathological. The first does not pose a particular danger to human life and is easily eliminated by the right drinking regimen and therapeutic behavior. But the second - a pathological oliguria, should cause serious concern, since it is this form of very rare urination most often indicative of many diseases.

Especially should alert a rare urination during pregnancy. Due to the special situation, the load on the kidneys and other organs is increased several times, so the likelihood of various kinds of disorders grows along with the period of pregnancy. In addition, a rare urination during pregnancy, even a physiological form, is dangerous because the body accumulates decay products, toxins, the water-salt balance is disturbed. Such a state can have a number of negative consequences, both for the mother and the child.