24th week of pregnancy - fetal development and new sensations of mother

The waiting period for the baby for the woman is exciting and responsible. In this case, not always the future mother knows what happens to the baby at a certain gestation period. Let us consider in more detail such period as 24th week of pregnancy, development of the fetus, let's name the main changes.

24th week of pregnancy - what happens to the fetus?

The child at the 24th week of pregnancy has a fully formed body, arms and legs. At this time, there is a further improvement of the body's organs. Great changes undergoes the respiratory system. There is a change in the mechanism at which oxygen is transported from the lungs to the blood. Air, penetrating into the lungs of the mother, disperse through a large and complex system of tubes, which at the end have small bubbles - the alveoli. On their inner surface are small, with a small lumen capillaries, which carry oxygen to the surface of blood cells.

Separately it is necessary to single out such a moment as the synthesis of light surfactant - an important substance for the process of breathing. Forming a thin film on the surface of the alveoli, it does not allow the thin walls of these air sacs to subside (stick together). In addition, the surfactant helps to neutralize pathogenic microorganisms that penetrate the respiratory system together with air. Synthesis of this substance begins when the 24th week of pregnancy occurs, the development of the fetus passes to the next step.

What does a child look like in 24 weeks?

The ultrasound of the fetus on the 24th week of pregnancy helps not only to determine the state of the future baby, but also to examine it externally. At this stage of intrauterine development, the future mother can compare his appearance, determine who he is like. By this time the front part of the head is already fully formed: the lips, nose, and the incision of the eyes will have the same appearance as after birth. Over the centuries you can consider eyebrows. Ears rise due to the growth of the head and become in their physiological position.

The weight of the child also increases. It completely occupies almost all the free space in the uterine cavity. Rolls and turns are completely felt by the pregnant woman. Strikes with elbows and legs become a common occurrence for a future mother, who initially experiences some discomfort. The normal intensity of the baby's movements is one of the indicators of his well-being, the correctness of the processes of intrauterine development.

Fetal size at 24 weeks gestation

The fetus at the 24th week of pregnancy is practically the same as the adult organism, only it is smaller. So the length of his body from the temples to the sacrum is 21 cm, while the growth of the future baby with the legs is 31 cm. Along with the growth of the trunk, the head circumference also increases. At this time it is 5.9 cm. The thorax is not so much large parameters - 6-6.2 cm. Almost the same size has the circumference of the abdomen - varies within 6 cm.

The placenta gradually thickens. By the 24th week of pregnancy, the fetus can reach a thickness of 2.6 cm. Every day, mothers feel the baby's movements, his movements with arms and legs, more clearly. This is due not only to the growth of the fetus, but also to its increasing activity. Improves the coordination of movements, they become more arbitrary: the kid can grasp the handle with a handle.

How much does the fetus weigh in 24 weeks of pregnancy?

The weight of the child at 24 weeks gestation reaches a mark in 520-530 g. There is a gradual increase in the bones of the skeleton, the buildup of muscle mass, which affects the total mass. The subcutaneous fat layer thickens. Directly it will ensure the flow of metabolic processes in the body of the child after birth, until the moment when the lactation process for the mother is established.

It must be said that the stated weight norm in practice does not always coincide with the actual body weight of the baby. It is established that this parameter is influenced by such factors as:

Fetal body weight is one of those parameters that helps assess the condition of the baby. Inconsistency of its instructions to the norm, is the reason for a comprehensive survey. Reducing the body weight of the fetus is fixed when:

How is the fetus located at 24 weeks gestation?

The location of the fetus on the 24th week of pregnancy in the mother's womb is not final. The midwives claim that for the 28th week inclusive, the baby can turn over repeatedly. So in 30-35% of pregnancies at this time the fetus is in the pelvic presentation - the legs and the priest are facing the entrance to the small pelvis. As the small organism grows, closer to the term of childbirth, it takes the right, head presentation - only 3-4% of infants appear in the pelvic forearm.

Pregnancy 24 weeks - development of the fetus and sensation

Considering the gestational age of 24 weeks, development of the fetus should be noted increase in the abdomen of the future mother. It becomes more difficult for her to walk, the center of gravity gradually changes. To reduce the burden on the spine, a woman is forced to change her gait - when walking, weight passes to the side of the supporting leg, making walking seemingly like a duck. Mom herself does not notice how she starts to sway from side to side.

The stretching of the skin on the abdomen leads to the formation of stretch marks. As a result of such changes, many pregnant women complain of itching. The skin becomes dry, requires additional moisturizing (cream, oil). The use of special drugs helps to avoid stretch marks and keep the skin after childbirth the previous look. Pregnant women start using them approximately from 20-22 weeks of pregnancy, when there is a strong increase in the volume of the stomach.

24th week of pregnancy - fetal movement

Fetal movements at 24 weeks gestation are distinct, easily determined by the most future mother. It is worth noting that the first-birth women for the first time fix them at the 20th week of gestation. At this time they are hardly noticeable - many compare them with a slight tickling. Women who expect the appearance of a second child, can fix the movements from the 18th week of pregnancy.

By the 24th week the baby has his own ideas about comfort. He can independently change the position of his body, settling in the uterus, as it is convenient. The fruit can turn, reacting to the touch of the stomach, from loud sounds. At the same time, there is a certain norm of the frequency of the perturbations - 10-15 times per hour. Cessation of movement is possible for 3 hours. If the activity of the baby is absent 12 hours or more, you need to see a doctor.

How much does the fetus sleep on the 24th week of pregnancy?

Doctors speak about 18-20 hours of the rest period of the fetus at this stage of development. In this case, his regime often does not coincide with my mother's - the baby can show activity in the evening and night hours. The child of 24 weeks is already strong, so he is able to awaken the movements of the arms and legs of the mother at night. In this case, the pregnant woman is forced to adjust to her baby.

24th week of pregnancy twins, fetal development

When the 24th week of pregnancy of twins comes, the mother fixes the same changes as the woman who has 1 child. In this case, there are some features of the development of children: