Bacon - a meat product (a certain part of the carcass), obtained as a result of the application of a special technique for fattening and keeping pigs. Bacon is a part of the side of a young pig with lean juicy meat, permeated with alternating not thick layers of fat.
Bacon is used for making various tasty and hearty dishes, including soups.
Tell you how to cook soups with bacon.
Fast Baltic cheese soup with bacon
- bacon cooked-smoked - about 200 g;
- cheese is hard - about 150-200 g;
- broth of meat or mushroom - about 400 ml;
- rye croutons homemade;
- onion green and other fresh herbs (parsley, coriander, basil, dill, etc.);
- black pepper powder.
Bacon cut into thin short strips, cubes or cubes. Cheese is rubbed on a large grater.
We put into the soup cups croutons with bacon. From the top we fill a layer of cheese, and further - a layer of finely chopped green. Fill everything with boiling broth, season with spices and serve it to the table. To this soup is good to serve sour cream in a separate bowl and a glass of cummel (caraway vodka).
If you add 1 tablespoon of cream per cup to this soup, you will get a creamy creamy soup with bacon.
Now tell you how to prepare lentil, beans or pea soup with bacon.
Bean soup with bacon
Peas, beans and lentils are cooked until prepared for a different amount of time (even different varieties of lentils are cooked in different ways). However, the principles of preparation of legumes are approximately the same. In any case, the beans are best first soak in a cold or even better - in hot water, then drain and rinse the water, then pour fresh cold water and boil in a small amount of liquid until cooked.
- peas, beans or lentils, cooked until cooked (with the liquid in which they cooked) - about 3 glasses;
- bacon - 200-300 g;
- onion - 1 pc.
- Fresh greens are different;
- pepper red hot and other spices;
- tomato paste (optional component).
Let's cut a piece of bacon from bacon and cut the squash. Put them in a heated frying pan and dredge the fat. The rest of the bacon is finely chopped and fried in this fat with finely chopped onion until golden hue appears. Add spices and garlic, you can, and tomato paste (2 tablespoons).
Let's combine the onions with bacon and cooked beans (or peas, lentils). Add chopped greens - here's the soup and ready. In the preparation of such soups, instead of the liquid in which the legumes were cooked, it is possible to use meat or mushroom broth. It should be noted that the addition of sweet pepper will make this soup even tastier.
Recipes for cooking potato soup with bacon or potato-tomato soup are very similar.
Potato-tomato soup with bacon
- bacon cooked-smoked - about 200-250 g;
- potatoes - 5-8 pieces. medium size;
- tomato paste - 2 tbsp. spoons;
- garlic - 1-2 cloves;
- olive oil;
- green onions, parsley, coriander, rosemary and basil.
Peel the potatoes until ready in a small amount of water. Decoction of salt in a separate container. We rub potatoes with a crush, adding a decoction, and prepare a liquid mashed potatoes. Add the chopped finely bacon, tomato paste (optional), a little olive oil and finely chopped greens and garlic. We mix everything, pour into soup cups and serve it to a table with a glass of grappa or a lemon bitter tincture. Such soups are popular in the Mediterranean.
Pumpkin creamy cream soup with bacon
- bacon cooked-smoked - about 300 g;
- pumpkin muscat - about 300 g;
- cream natural dairy - about 100-150 ml;
- fresh herbs (parsley, coriander);
- grated nutmeg;
- hot red pepper;
- garlic - 1-2 cloves.
Slice of pumpkin of the correct weight is peeled, cut into large pieces and boil them in a small amount of water for 20 minutes, the broth is poured into a cup. Cooked pulp of pumpkin puryiruem in blender and mash puree broth to the desired consistency. Add the finely chopped bacon, cream, spices, chopped greens and garlic. You can serve this soup with a tortilla of corn flour and a glass of bourbon as an aperitif.