Morgan Freeman in his youth

Many Hollywood stars over the years begin to worry about the fact that their appearance is not changing for the better. And this does not apply only to the weak half of humanity. After all, the actor's face is his business card. And to maintain themselves in better shape, many resort to cosmetic tricks and surgical interventions. However, there are those over whom time can not be controlled. For example, one of those is the talented actor Morgan Freeman, who differs not only in his tremendous talent, but also in his colorful appearance. Today his face is recognizable by everyone. However, fans are always interested to know their favorite closer. Therefore, we offer to look at the early years of life of the Oscar winner and get acquainted with the beginning of his acting career.

Biography of Morgan Freeman

Imposing representative of the strong half of humanity was born in 1937, in Memphis. Like many stars of the time, Morgan Freeman had no influential connections and money to make his way to Hollywood. His mother worked as a simple cleaner, and his father, who died in 1961 of cirrhosis , was a hairdresser. The family constantly moved from one state to another. And, finally, after long wanderings, she stopped in the city of Chicago, in which she settled.

As a child, Morgan Freeman showed a special interest in theatrical art. Already at the age of 8 he participated in productions and even played the leading roles. And thanks to his charismatic temperament, he shone in every school on stage, then took part in a radio show.

In 1955, the actor graduated from high school and entered the university. In studies, he also was very successful, but soon made the decision to join the US Air Force as a mechanic. At the same young Morgan Freeman even refused part of his scholarship, which he was paid at the university for good academic performance.

In the sixties the guy moved to Los Angeles, where he tried himself in different spheres. He served, sang, danced on Broadway and in every possible way showed himself. And everything, for what he undertook, he did it.

The recognition and rise of the career of Morgan Freeman

Since the boy was quite active from childhood, his face was always recognizable first in school, then on Broadway. And already in the 70's Morgan Freeman first appeared on the screen, starring in the series "Electric Company." However, the debut on the big screen of the young performer was held in 1971.

Periodically beginning the actor appeared in films, playing the role of the second plan. And in 1987 young Morgan Freeman was nominated for an Oscar for Best Actor in the movie "Street Man". And, despite the fact that the role was secondary, it immediately affected the ratings of the rising star. A few years later, Freeman still received his first Golden Globe for participating in the musical "The Miss Daisy's Driver."

In his youth, Morgan Freeman was not afraid to take a few pictures at once. And playing in such cult paintings as "Shawshank's Escape", "Baby for a Million", "Robin Hood: The Prince of Thieves", "Bruce Almighty," "Lucy," the actor has gained worldwide popularity and millions of fans. Today, the star has an impressive list of achievements. And, despite his age, he continues to delight the public with his charisma, a realistic game and an unchanging appearance.

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Looking at the colorful hero of your favorite films, many people have a question, how old is Morgan Freeman? On June 1, 2016, he will turn 79 years old, but he looks at most fifty. Well, let time continue to benefit him, and the actor continues to please us with new roles.