Blood test for creatinine - what is it?

Having been assigned to a biochemical examination, we can discover several unfamiliar indicators. One of them - an analysis of creatinine in the blood, that this is such a difficult to understand even people who are familiar with biology. Many people confuse creatine and creatinine, but these are different components of the blood.

Blood test for creatinine - what is it?

A blood test for creatinine reveals many diseases and pathological abnormalities in the work of certain organs. Reduction of creatinine in the blood can be evidence of the following disorders:

An increased rate of creatinine in the blood suggests such diseases:

Also, the increase in creatinine is observed during the period of active muscle growth in adults and children, in pregnant women and in conditions of high protein content in the diet. Lowered creatinine in the blood is very rare.

What is creatinine in the biochemical blood test?

The level of creatinine in the blood is evidence of the course of the basic metabolic processes in the muscles and the efficiency of the excretory organs. The fact is that creatinine is the final product of the metabolism of creatine, a replaceable amino acid, responsible for maintaining muscle activity and growth. Creatine in the body is split into energy and creatinine, which, in turn, is excreted through the liver and kidneys. By itself, creatinine is not very toxic, but its accumulation in tissues and blood can indicate serious health problems.

Biochemical analysis allows us to identify these violations, but only if it is done correctly. A few days before the procedure should reduce the amount of protein in the diet and avoid high physical exertion. Well, if you can reduce the consumption of tea and coffee. However, to go to extremes and completely change the nature of food can not be - this can significantly affect the results. When taking blood, you should try to maintain maximum peace of mind - the level of stress also affects the creatinine. It is advisable to donate blood in the morning, necessarily - on an empty stomach.