Syrup from rose hips - a useful and invigorating drink

Wild rose hunks mistresses dry for the winter. But do you know that it is possible to prepare a delicious and very useful syrup from it. This drink will give you delicious moments of enjoying food and drinks with great benefit to you. He will give you cheerfulness and joy, help to strengthen health, immunity and your beauty.

Recipe for rose hip syrup



Rosehip we sort out, wash, cut the tails and sepals. Then we put it in an enamel saucepan and fill it with hot water. Put the container on the fire, bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes. After that, we cool the drink and filter through the cheesecloth, folded at the same time four times. Next, squeeze the berry carefully and strain it again, but through a thicker fabric or through a gauze folded into more layers.

Now let the liquids settle for about 24 hours, drain off the sediment, pour out the sugar, mix and cook the syrup for 15 minutes. Then we pour the drink into hot sterilized jars, roll up the lids and leave to cool.

Recipe for syrup from rose hips

A ready-made drink from the petals of the dog rose, you can not only drink, but also use for flavoring the vitamin and flavor properties of compotes , kissels and jellies.



So, to prepare the syrup poured into a saucepan of water, add sugar, mix and leave until the crystals dissolve completely. Then put on the stove, heat it and bring the drink to a boil. After that carefully pour hot syrup petals of dog rose and again bring the contents of the pan to a boil. Then close the lid and insist syrup from the hips flower for about 12 hours. Further it is well filtered and stored in a tightly closed clean glassware in a refrigerator or other cold place.

Syrup from hips

Syrup made from this rosehip can be used to taste: to decorate dishes, pour to fritters, sweet casseroles, for a variety of drinks and for light desserts .



So, we can sort out the fruit of the dog-rose, let it free of internal seeds, rinse under running water, crush it in a mixer, or twist it through a meat grinder. Prepared vitamin mass is poured in half liters of water and boiled over medium heat for about 10 minutes. This time we prepare the syrup. In the remaining quantity of boiled water, we dissolve the sugar and mix it. Then pour the syrup into a container with boiled flesh of the dog rose and continue cooking on moderate heat for another 15 minutes.

The resulting syrup is filtered through a strainer and filled with pre-prepared bottles or clean dry jars. Then tightly close the containers with covers and put them in a cool dark place. We do not throw out squeezes from fruits, they will be useful to us, in quality stuffing for pies or other dishes.

Syrup from rose hips for children

Syrup of rosehip is not recommended for children under 12 years.



Purified fruits are poured hot, heated to 80 degrees, water and insist about 5 hours. Then, the dogrose is wiped through a sieve, add sugar to the mixture and put a little bit of citric acid to taste. Finished syrup is bottled, bottled, sterilized and stored in a refrigerator.