Benefits of sauerkraut for the body

Sauerkraut we associate with traditional Slavic dishes, but it appears in the national cuisines of most European peoples, and also has its own cooking options in Asia. In the cold season, during a threat of cold and viral diseases, sauerkraut is one of the best sources of nutrients and a storehouse of vitamins.

Benefits of sauerkraut for the body

Preparation of sauerkraut includes two stages - directly the ambassador, then keeping in the received marinade. During the sauerkraut in cabbage, fermentation processes occur, thanks to which natural organic acids are formed - lactic, acetic, tartronic, apple and others. It is these acids that ensure the taste and safety of the finished product.

In addition to organic acids from a wide range of useful substances, which is useful in sauerkraut, it is worth noting:

  1. Enzymes are living enzymes that participate in virtually all chemical processes in our body and are the basis of digestion and healthy metabolism, promote the cleansing of the intestines and prevent the formation of tumors.
  2. Fitontsidy - volatile substances that have a wide range of therapeutic effects, including antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. This is the reason for the benefits of sauerkraut for the liver, as they contribute to the cleansing of this organ from lamblia.
  3. Vitamins that are part of sauerkraut include a completely preserved natural balance of vitamins of cabbage itself, as well as other vegetables and ingredients. How many vitamins are contained in sauerkraut, depends on the recipe of preparation, often in this dish add apples, carrots, cranberries, cranberries, sweet peppers and various seasonings that enrich its vitamin composition. On average, the sauerkraut contains - vitamin C (38 mg), PP (1 mg), E (0.2 mg), A (0.6 mg), H (0.1 mg), a wide range of B vitamins, as well as vitamin U, which is not synthesized in our body.
  4. Minerals in this dish are represented by such important elements as potassium (283 g), calcium (50 g), sulfur (35 g), phosphorus (30 mg), sodium (22 g), magnesium (16 mg), aluminum (490 μg ), boron (197 μg), copper (81 μg), as well as iodine, zinc, fluorine, molybdenum, vanadium, lithium, cobalt and manganese.
  5. Sauerkraut is a unique dish that combines probiotics and prebiotics in its composition; the first are the most important components of a healthy microflora and a ready-made complex of necessary bacteria; the second contributes to the formation of beneficial bacteria in the body, in particular in the intestine. Due to this composition, sauerkraut and its brine are an excellent tool for combating dysbiosis and the best assistant in the normalization of bowel function.

Nutritional value of sauerkraut:

For all weight loss, an important indicator in the fight against excess weight is the energy value of products, sauerkraut has a caloric content of 25-30 kcal per 100 g. Considering a whole range of useful properties and low energy value, you can safely include this product in the diet of diets, and for losing weight.


Despite the unconditional value of sauerkraut, there are a number of diseases in which its use should be limited or eliminated altogether. With a tendency to increased gas production in the intestine, cabbage brine should be used for food, which has practically all the useful properties of this dish, but it lacks fiber, which contributes to the formation of gases. Brine can be expressed from cabbage and stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

With peptic ulcer, cabbage should be used with caution, and in the period of exacerbation in general remove from the diet. For people with hypertension, kidney disease and a predilection for edema, cabbage with a minimum salt content should be prepared, and before use it is advisable to rinse it thoroughly under running water.