Poppy filling for a roll

Despite the fact that in modern markets you can easily find a jar of ready-made stuffing with poppy seeds for rolls, many housewives prefer to cook it themselves, adjusting the taste and consistency of the finished product at their discretion. It was for the latter that we made up a selection of simple recipes from the material below.

Poppy filling for roulette - recipe

To make the filling, poppy seeds are cooked in syrup, condensed milk or plain milk. The latter option is considered the most popular and widespread, therefore with it we will begin.



The scheme of preparation of the basis for such a filling exactly repeats the scheme of cooking ordinary custard, because those who have already cooked the last, there should be no problems with cooking.

Whisk a couple of eggs at room temperature with sugar and set the mixture aside. Milk warm, adding to it butter. When the oil is completely dissolved, begin to beat the eggs again with a whisk, already pouring the resulting milk mixture into them with a thin trickle. When all the milk is added, return the base of the filling to a weak fire and, stirring, cook until thick. Add the poppy to the cream, pre-grinding the grain in a coffee grinder.

The filling for rolls on milk with poppy seeds is almost ready, it remains only to leave it until completely cooled and you can try.

How to make a filling from a poppy for a roll?

To diversify the texture of your baking, you can add additional ingredients to the poppy, for example, nuts. The process of preparation with the addition of other ingredients will remain unchanged.



In the saucepan, melt the pieces of butter together with milk and sugar crystals. When the mixture becomes homogeneous, pour crushed into it into nuts and poppy seeds. Return the saucepan back to a weak fire. Preparation of a filling from a poppy for a roll takes about half an hour, after which let it cool completely, so that the poppy absorbed the remains of moisture.

How to make a filling from a poppy for a roll with honey?

The technique of cooking the poppy filling with honey was invented by oriental chefs, whose sweets usually have a very pronounced flavor and aroma, which is hard to achieve with sugar alone. If you consider yourself among the honey lovers, then this recipe will be ideal for you.



The grain itself should be prepared first. How to prepare a poppy for the filling of a roll? Elementary. It's enough just to grind it in a coffee grinder.

Mix the next after the poppy four ingredients and place it on medium heat. When the sugar crystals completely dissolve, take about a glass of the mixture and pour it into the eggs with constant whipping. Add the eggs to the mixture in a saucepan and continue to cook the ingredients already on low heat until everything thickens. Now it remains to add the crushed poppy and leave everything to cool completely before use.

Poppy filling and raisin raisins



Poppy and raisins pour three glasses of water and cook with a weak boil for about half an hour. Refrigerate and repeat the procedure. After secondary cooling, drain excess liquid, skip the next filling through the meat grinder and mix with the condensed milk.