Magnesium during pregnancy

The human body daily needs all the elements of the periodic table. But during pregnancy, the need for some, for example, in magnesium, increases several times. If its deficiency is not compensated by proper nutrition, then the harm for the mother and baby will be very appreciable.

How much magnesium do you need?

Medical scientists have calculated that during pregnancy a woman needs magnesium in a dosage of 1000-1200 mg per day. This amount will be enough to meet the needs of mom and baby. It is known that this microelement is involved literally in all the processes of the body.

As a rule, due to unbalanced nutrition in women during pregnancy, there is an acute shortage of magnesium, which manifests itself as:

But too much magnesium during pregnancy is also harmful, because it can provoke a sharp decrease in pressure, a decline in strength, heart problems (bradycardia), depression of the central nervous system, so the dosage should definitely be prescribed by the doctor.

In addition, a woman should be aware that this micronutrient is easily absorbed only in parallel with the intake of calcium, but iron preparations, on the contrary, interfere with its intake into the body. This means that taking magnesium follows a couple of hours before iron preparations.

Not only mom, but also the kid needs magnesium preparations, which for pregnant women are prescribed in tablet form. Most often, Magne B6 or Magnelis is prescribed. These drugs help build the locomotor system of the fetus, form the nervous system.

The norm of magnesium during pregnancy should be adjusted by the doctor in accordance with the term. As a rule, this drug is prescribed in the second trimester, because it is at this time that the active formation of the fetal organism begins.

Some women do not know how long it is possible to use magnesium during pregnancy. He is allowed to drink as long as there is a need, that is, until the very birth. In some cases, if a woman feels well, then magnesium is canceled at 36-38 a week.

Magnesium in food products

But not only with the help of medicines can maintain the level of magnesium. Every day the pregnant woman should eat a variety of nuts, leafy greens, legumes and unprocessed rice, sea fish and seafood, sour-milk products, citrus fruits.

If you properly adjust the diet and eat rich with this microelement products, then the need for it to drastically reduce and do not have to drink tablets.