Diarrhea in early pregnancy - reasons

When pregnancy occurs with such a phenomenon as diarrhea, especially in the early stages, many face, while the reasons for this violation to future mothers are not always clear. Immediately it is necessary to say that diarrhea can in no case be considered as a sign of the onset of the gestational period, as some women think about it. That is why, when it appears, it is necessary to take appropriate measures.

Whether there is in a norm or rate a diarrhea on early terms of pregnancy and what its or his reasons?

As already mentioned above, this phenomenon is not a sign of pregnancy. That is why it is very important to establish exactly what caused the disorder of the chair in a particular situation.

So, among the possible reasons it is necessary to name the following:

  1. Easy food poisoning. This can be observed in cases where a woman has neglected hygienic norms - ate not washed vegetables or fruits, for example.
  2. Intestinal infection can also give a similar symptomatology. At the same time there is a deterioration in overall health, a rise in body temperature, and dehydration of the body. Such diseases are always treated in a hospital.
  3. Insufficiency of digestive enzymes often leads to the fact that diarrhea develops. In such cases, as a rule, a woman is aware of this fact, because collides with the violation of the stool quite often even before the onset of pregnancy. In this case, most often diarrhea is noted after eating hard-to-digest food (legumes, cereals, berries and fruits).
  4. Diseases of the digestive tract , - stomach, pancreas, and intestines can also cause diarrhea.

What can lead to diarrhea in the short term?

Calling the main factors, due to which diarrhea is possible in the early stages of pregnancy, we will find out whether this phenomenon is dangerous.

Firstly, it must be said that with prolonged diarrhea, dehydration of the body occurs, which affects negatively on the water-salt balance.

Secondly, because of frequent contractile movements of the intestine, hypertension of the uterine myometrium can develop. This condition is fraught with spontaneous abortion.

Also, do not forget that with diarrhea there is an intoxication of the body, which can adversely affect the development of the baby.

How is diarrhea treated during early pregnancy?

First you need to calm down and not panic. When there is no possibility to consult a doctor for help, you can alleviate the condition yourself.

First of all, it is necessary to drink more liquid (excellent broth from chamomile, St. John's wort).

To combat intoxication, pregnant women are usually assigned activated charcoal, Regidron, Smektu, Enterosgel. Dosage, the frequency of reception is determined by the doctor.