Useful properties of plum

Plum - a fairly simple fruit, which contains more than 45 vitamins, in addition, low-calorie. Fruits are eaten raw, boiled jam and compotes, stuffed pies. But besides the pleasant, rich taste, the plum has a number of other advantages, thanks to which its fruits and leaves are used in cosmetology, pharmacology, perfumery, wine production.

Useful properties of plum

Plum fruits contain not only a whole list of vitamins, as already mentioned above, but also an equally rich composition of minerals, macro- and microelements. Based on this, you can make a list of useful properties of the fruit.

  1. Prevention of breast cancer . Contained in the plum phenolic substances kill cancer cells, without touching the healthy, in contrast to chemotherapy.
  2. Increased immunity . Vitamin C , iron and organic acids help to maintain the immune system at the proper level.
  3. Prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, the nervous system . Dietary fiber reduces cholesterol, and potassium transmits nerve impulses when muscles contract.
  4. Increased hemoglobin . High iron content helps to get rid of anemia.
  5. Normalization of digestion . Dietary fiber eliminates gas formation, swelling, and antioxidants remove toxins, preventing diarrhea.

Quite often there is debate about whether the plum has a laxative effect. Acids, which are very many in the fetus, irritate the walls of the intestines and help to gently get rid of "constipation", but the action is long, be patient, overeating can do much harm. For the desired result after eating, you must drink a glass of cold water. If you use plums on an empty stomach, overeat and do not use water, then the fruit can be fixed.

I want to note that the useful properties of plums do not lose their relevance to humans and after heat treatment. Dried plum or prune is also very useful, dried fruit can restore working capacity, raise the tone of the body, improve the skin condition.


Plum, despite all its useful properties, has contraindications, especially for pregnant and lactating women. Here are some of them:

  1. A large amount of sugar in the fruit automatically makes the fruit dangerous for diabetics and small children
  2. Plum juice, thanks to its beneficial properties, helps to remove fluid from the body, which is contraindicated for people with a diagnosis of rheumatism and gout.
  3. Fans of fruit with increased gastric acidity, as well as with exacerbation of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, while it is better to wait with a delicacy.
  4. Healthy people are advised not to eat plums before bed or on an empty stomach, since fruit can cause pain and heaviness in the stomach.


Plum, thanks to such a rich composition and useful properties, has been introduced into the recipes of traditional medicine, replacing many medicines of traditional pharmacy. Cough remedy, rejuvenating mask, ointment against rheumatism and joint diseases are the incomplete list of natural preparations where fruits can be used.

Apply medicinal and useful properties of plum as an anesthetic is not effective, it is necessary to combine fruits with herbs, such as celandine, plantain, yarrow. Help with angina will be a mixture of fruit pulp with honey. But it should be remembered that self-medication can not bring the desired result, so a specialist's consultation is necessary.

Since the plum is a low-calorie product, its fruits can be safely consumed during diets and unloading days, getting a full complex of vitamins. But it should be remembered that everything is good in moderation!